Chapter 2

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Hey guys, just a quick note - all of Serena's messages will be on the LEFT HAND SIDE. All messages will be in bold, and all stories will be in italics. Now back to the story!

4 months later...

"Conor!" I screamed, my throat raw. "CONOR!"

Suddenly my cries were ripped away from me in a wave of heart-wrenching pain. I loosed a shuddering sob of despair, and fell to the ground, and lay my head on his chest - listening, hoping for a sign. Nothing. Tears began to trickle down my cheeks, as all sound and colour disappeared from my world. Nothing mattered anymore. It was my fault. My fault. And that last promise, tossed away on the ground and left to rot.

No longer would I see him smile, or hear him laugh. I would never be able to kiss him again, and say I love you. I would never be able to do any of those things again. Because Conor was gone.

'There!' I thought to myself, as I typed the last sentence. I leant back in my chair, and did a quick read of the chapter. Clapping my hands together in excitement, I quickly pressed the 'publish' button.

'Congratulations - You just published Chapter 30 of Promises' the screen read. Smiling, I closed my laptop and decided to go and grab a snack before checking my notifications.

I ran down the stairs, skipping the last three, and barged into the kitchen. I quickly ran to the fridge, and was about to open the door when I was confronted by my mother.

"I hope you've finished your homework young lady. I'm going to ban you from that writing website of yours if its becoming a distraction," she said sternly, blocking the fridge.

I rolled my eyes. 'Do you even know me? Of course I finished my homework!' I signed exasperatedly. My mother chuckled, and opened the fridge and handed me one of her caramel slices.

"So, how's that story of yours coming along?" she asked. I smiled, and took a bite of that slice of caramel goodness. 'Amazing!!! It seems that everyone really likes it and it's hit 28.7k already!' I eagerly signed back. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and waved to her before heading back to my room.

I quickly turned on my phone, which was buzzing like crazy. 78 notifications! I couldn't believe it! It had been published it less than ten minutes ago!

I quickly scrolled through them, and replied to some comments. I wad about to check how many reads my story had, when I realised that I had a message in my inbox. That's weird... no one has ever really PMed me before.

Warily, I opened up the message. I recognised the user - one of my followers, XxKetchupLoverxX .

Hey, just wanted to say that I really like your story!

Your an amazing writer - have you ever thought about

entering your story into the Watties?

Watties? Amazing writer?! I thought a moment about my response before replying.

Thx so much! I'm glad u like it! I'm only a beginner...

so I'm not sure if I should enter it...

A response came in just a few seconds later.

You totally should! Give it a shot! Pls?

okay! I'll do it then!

Yes!! what's ur name btw?

I paused for a moment. My name? I didn't want to use my real name... and I also liked the idea of a pen name. I smiled, then replied.

Destiny. Not my real name, but you can call me that for now

Haha kinda ironic considering that ur username is XxDestiny_and_FatexX

aha yeh. what's ur name?

It took a while before I got my answer

It's not my real name tho either

just tell me!

Spark. You can call me Spark


Yassss next chapter finished!!! Soz i didn't update for so long. School, school, and.... you guessed it - school. But I'm trying to write out the next chapter for all of my stories, so maybe they will be published soon!!!

btw in my rant book im doing a q&a for 200 followers. if u got any questions just leave them on my feed (just put ur question and #q&a) or in my rant book. thx guys!!

UPDATE: Both of the accounts are now real guys XD I made both accounts for both characters, so go and check them out!!!

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