Chapter 8

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(Ava's POV)

When I got home, my mother saw me from the kitchen. "Hi, honey. How was your dinner date?"

"Just fine." I huffed. I slammed the entrance door and went to my room, leaving my shoes in front of the front door.

When I got into my room I quickly changed into my pajamas and got into bed.

I could hear my parents talking from downstairs but I could barely make out any words they were saying. I decided to just hop off my bed to listen to a few things that they say just to get an idea.

"It went past the line." I heard mother say.

"Are you sure?? Did you double check??" My dad sounded concerned. What do they mean that it passed the line?

I decide to just return back to bed. I already have enough things to deal with.

I love Harry but sometimes we run into situations like this. Where he does something wrong and then I find out something that he said about me, it just goes back and forth. I am sick and tired of this situation going on constantly. He told me he would try to never start a situation like that with me ever since we got back together.

My head starts to ache from all the stuff that happened earlier. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep.


(Harry's POV)

I felt outraged and upset at the same time. I started to pace back and forth in my bedroom.

I'm upset because I knew that what Ava had said was right. I really am being irresponsible. But I'm also fucking mad because she just walked out of the car. I mean, I can't blame her but seriously she shouldn't have done that. It only made me more mad at her.

I groan and fall back, landing on my bed. What have I done.


(Ava's POV)

I was so glad that it was finally a weekend. I didn't want to see Harry in my 8th period class. It would have been awkward. I think the best thing for both of us right now is to just be apart for the weekend. I wasn't planning on talking to him and I'm pretty sure he isn't planning on talking to me after I stormed out of the car and walked the rest of the way home.

I got up out of bed and into the kitchen to get something to eat. And surprisingly, I did not see my mother in the kitchen. I decide to just have some cereal. I grab a bowl from the cabinet and turn the cereal dispenser knob a few times so I had a decent amount of Lucky Charms cereal. I may be 16 but I still love Lucky Charms, and I always will. Then I poured myself some milk, grabbed a spoon and started eating.

I heard my dad start whistling a song.

"Morning, dad." I greeted.

He entered the kitchen with a large newspaper that covered his face. He then went to take a seat next to me.

"Morning? Honey, it's 4:00 in the afternoon!" He chuckled.

"I've just been feeling really tired lately. I don't know why,"

"Well anyway, how was your dinner date with Harry yesterday?" He asks, putting down his newspaper and placing it onto the kitchen counter.

"It was great," I lie. I didn't want to tell him about what happened with Harry. He would go over to his house and kill him.

I finish eating my cereal quicker than usual. After putting my bowl and cereal in the sink, I head up the stairs to my room.

Then I shut my door.

For the rest of the day I just decided to watch movies in bed on my laptop. I went on netflix and searched up my absolute favorite Disney movie. Beauty and the Beast.

I close the blinds so that the glare from the sun wouldn't appear on the laptop screen like it always does.

After a long time, glaring at the screen, my eyes start to become heavier, and heavier.

I lift my head back up to keep myself from falling asleep. I start to yawn.

I feel so drowsy, this is so weird. I just had about 9 hours of sleep and I'm already tired?

I start yawning again.

Then my eyes close shut.


I sit up and I see that I'm in a hospital bed. What?

The lamp that is the only source of light in the room, is flickering.

How did I get here?

I look down and see that I'm dressed in a hospital gown. I turn over my arms and see two needles going into my wrists and withdrawing blood at that very moment. What the hell?

"Are you okay?" Harry had walked into the room. His eyes look red. Did he stay here the whole time? Wait, how long have I been here?

"Yes, I am." I reply.

Another guy enters the room and walks behind Harry.

He had dirty blond hair, and was a little taller than Harry. He was dressed in a suit and his eyes were covered with a pair of shades. And he clearly didn't decide to shave for two weeks.

"Who are-"

Before I could finish asking my question he pulls out a handgun from his pocket inside his suit and points it straight towards Harry's head. A mischievous smile starts to form on the man's face.

"NO, HARRY!!" I get up from the bed and try to run towards him but something seems to be holding me back and make me run slow. I won't be able to catch up to him.

I hear him shoot the bullet. I expected to see Harry collapse to the floor but instead I feel pain in my chest. I look down and see.

He shot me instead.

I feel my body slowly start to fall to the side.


My eyes open. I look around me and see that I was in my room.... on the floor.

I sigh from relief. Thank god, it was only a dream.

I look over to my alarm clock. It was 10 pm. Did I really sleep for that long?

I suddenly heard my door open.

Jace stood there at my door with his teddy bear in his hand. "Ava?"

"Yes, Jace?" My voice sounded raspy.

He walked over to me while rubbing his small eye.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"I fell, that's all," I get up and pick up all the pillows that had joined me on my floor, "did you want to tell me something?"

"No, I just heard a loud noise from your room."

"That sound was probably me falling to the floor," I giggle, "everything's okay just go back to bed, goodnight Jace."

"Goodnight, Ava." He closes my door and goes back to his room.

Looks like I'm not going to be sleeping again tonight any time soon.

That was the strangest dream I ever had. I mean, I probably did have weirder ones but it was still really weird.

My phone starts to vibrate. I turn it on and see that I have 10 texts and 5 missed calls from Harry. I guess he wants to talk. But I'm not ready for that yet.

hope u guys like the chapter :) im really sorry i didnt publish this yesterday I was having trouble and couldn't think of what to writeee. 2 comments and 2 votes for the next chapter!!

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