Chapter 1

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this is my very first fanfic so i hope u guys enjoy itt!! :)


(Ava's POV)


"Ava, he's here!" Jace shouts from the outside of my locked door while pounding his little fists on it. Jace was my 6 year old brother.

I jump out of bed and get ready as quick as possible. A loose black v-neck shirt, light blue jean shorts and black converse. Good enough.

I hear the front door creak open.

"Jace can you tell him I'll be down in a minute?"

"Okay." I can hear Jace's footsteps going down our long stairwell.

"Okay brush, brush..... Where is.... My brush??????" I glance around the room and I have no idea where my brush is. I can't go outside with my hair looking like a bush!

"Aha! Gotcha!" My brush was underneath my dresser. Huh, I wonder how it got there.

"Ava get your ass on the move! We're going to be late!" He shouts. That 'he' is Harry. The most funniest, nicest, gorgeous, loveable guy I know. Well that's also because he's my boyfriend. But the other thing about him is that he could be sweet and kind then the next thing you know he's cursing at you and insulting you.

"Shut up!" I answer back. Harry and I are always playful with one another. There's probably never one time we don't tease each other.

Once I finish brushing my hair I grab my backpack and run downstairs.

I give Harry a quick kiss on the cheek as I put on my backpack.

"Your phone?" He reminds me.

"Dammit, it's upstairs. Ugh back up again."

"Excuse me young lady, language! And you too Mr. Styles." My mother chuckles as she walks into the front entrance.

I grab my phone from my room and run back downstairs in only ten seconds.

"Slow down, you could've fell down those stairs!" My mother exclaims.

"Well I'm going to be late," I reply as I push Harry through the door, "Bye mother, bye Jace!"

"Wait, honey you forgot to eat breakfa-" I close the door and left before she finished her sentence and rushed over to Harry's brother's car.

"Morning Wes!" I say to his brother as I enter the car.

"Morning Ava. How are you today?"

"I feel so rushed this morning. I definitely need to sleep earlier from now on."

When Harry joins me in the middle seats he slides over a bit too far causing me to crash into the car door on the other side.


"Oops sorry, didn't see you there. You're so tiny." He teases.

And he was right. I mean, I'm 5'5" but compared to him I was practically a midget.

"Oh stop, it." I tell him.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at school which is weird because there's usually always tons of traffic on Mondays.

Wes drops us off in front of the school entrance. "Bye!" He says as he waves to us.

I wave back but Harry doesn't.

"Wave back at your brother, will you?" I playfully scold Harry.

"What, oh, sorry, I was just. Never mind." Harry stutters.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing, don't worry about it. I'm just really tired today."

"Uhm, are you sure about that? Because it didn't seem like that when you shoved me into the car door." I chuckle.

He laughs too. "Trust me, it's nothing. Let's get to class, hurry."

I definitely know there's something going on. I can tell by the look on his face. He can never hide the way he looks whenever he's keeping something from me.

"Okay, okay." I say.

(that's it for the first chapter! don't forget to leave comments so i know what you guys thinkkk)

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