40: Arrival

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I woke up to the sound of someone snapping their fingers in my face.  I slowly opened my eyes up and see Vianna who's towering over me, fingers snapping. 

"Wake the hell up."  She says, with no emotion whatsoever on her face. 

I stir and sit up in my seat.  I slide the window shade up to look outside.  Turns out we've already landed and everyone's off the plane except Vianna and I. 

"Okay, okay.  I'm up.  Don't have to be a bitch about it."  I mumble, as I yawn. 

Vianna sighs and rolls her eyes at me.  She fixes her posture and pats down her hair, making sure there are no wild strands rebelling against her. 

"Please," she scoffs, "I wasted my time having to stand here trying to wake you up." 

I grab my purse and jacket and get up from my seat.  "Why did you stay back to wake me up anyways?" 

"Adam had to go see if our ride is here."  She mutters. 

Ride?  But I had already reserved a rental car a while ago.  What's the point in reserving a rental if you're not even going to use it? 

"Oh." Is all I mumble.  We file off the plane and the flight attendant from earlier waves at me. 

"Bye.  Hope you and your husband find a new ring."  She smiles. 

I tense up, realizing that Vianna is next to me and heard what the attendant said, but I still force a smile and wave back.  "Thanks." 

When we boarded off the plane, the first thing Vianna did was narrow her eyes at me, wondering what the flight attendant meant. 

"Husband?  What is she talking about?" 

I sigh.  What am I going to say to her?  I can't think of a good lie that'll keep her questions at bay. 

"I think she confused me with someone else."  I respond, hoping that was good enough. 

"But you thanked her." 

I roll my eyes and shrug.  "I didn't want to seem rude and completely ignore her." 

"You should've.  If you don't know her, then don't say anything.  That's what I would've done."  She says.  Is she actually giving me advice on socializing? 

"Well, I'm not like you."  I casually shrug. 

She scoffs as she flips her hair.  "Obviously.  You'd have to lose weight and get plastic surgery to even get close to be like me." 

Oh I'm sorry we can't be all skinny bitches like you, is what I wanted to say to her, but suppressed the urge.  I don't think I'm fat.  In fact, I only weigh 125 pounds.  And I don't think I'm ugly or need plastic surgery.  At least I don't think I am-No Elizabeth, don't let her get to you.  She just thinks she's better than everyone. 

"Oh I'm sure."  I sarcastically mutter. 

Vianna just huffs out a sigh and rolls her eyes.  The rest of the walk out of the tunnel throughway was quiet, and I didn't mind it at all.  We talked a little more than I liked and I don't plan on conversing with her in the near future. 

We soon entered the busy airport and I began making my way down to baggage claim.  But Vianna cleared her throat and tried to get my attention. 

"Uh, where are you going?"  She asks, attitude thick in her voice. 

I throw her a confused look as I knit my brows together.  "Uh...baggage claim, you know, the place where you receive your luggage?" 

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