60: Happiness is Key

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The rest of the night was annoying as hell.  Ian kept ignoring me and ended up talking to Carly for the rest of the evening.  At one point when we were all in their spacious living room, they looked awfully cozy. 

And I wasn't the only one who noticed.  It seemed as if the whole family did as well.  Emilia kept shooting me uncomfortable looks in my direction, trying to see if I was alright.  Even Ryan laid low on the flirting as he just watched Ian and Carly's chemistry. 

It just came to a point where I was just over it.  I knew something sketchy was going on, I just didn't know it included my best friend.  I excuse myself from the room as I quickly make my way outside the house. 

I curse at myself for not grabbing my jacket since it's pretty chilly out here as I sit down on the last step in front of the house. 

Usually, I'd be in tears about this kind of thing, but tonight, I'm not.  In fact, I'm pissed the hell off.  I get that I did the same exact thing to Ian, but he just has a way of making it sneaky and shady.  He's a snake.  I had good intentions for what I did, but it seems to me that he doesn't.  This is why you should've said no when he asked you back out again.  Ugh.  I should just listen to my conscious more often. 

"Hey."  I hear a voice behind me.  I turn around and notice Emilia standing right behind me. 

"Hi."  I croak, clearing my throat. 

She takes a seat next to me and peers out into the darkness of her driveway.  For a moment, it was quiet between us until she breathes in a gulp of air and exhales it out quietly. 

"How are you doing?"  She gently asks, rubbing her hand on my shoulder. 

I let out a short laugh as I shake my head.  "Not so great." 

"I feel terrible for what's going on in there.  Ian shouldn't be doing that to you.  He brought you home as his girlfriend and he's not playing his part," she starts with remorse evident in her tone.  "In fact, I'm so disappointed in him right now that I'm gonna go in there and talk-" she huffs as she begins to get up. 

"No, no.  It's fine actually.  I deserve this."  I mumble, cutting her off. 

Emilia sits back down again and knits her eyebrows.  "What do you mean?  No one deserves getting treated this way." 

I shake my head as I focus on the concrete beneath my feet.  "No, it's just that I did the same thing to him." 

"I know."  She quietly says. 

I look up at her in confusion.  "You do?" 

Nodding her head, she says, "Yes.  Adam told me everything." 

A piece of my heart feels like it just feels like it got torn off.  Now I'm really afraid of what she must think of me. 

"He did?"  I whisper. 

"Yes.  And although I should be hating you for what you did to my boys, I just don't.  In fact, I am grateful."  She responds, raising her eyebrows. 

I knit my brows together, fully confused now.  "Why?"  I ask, not seeing as to why she would be grateful of me.

"Because, when I had that talk with Adam, I could see that he finally met someone who he truly cares about."  She answers. 

But I'm still confused.  "What do you mean?" 

She sighs.  "When Adam told me everything, he was really upset.  He had so many emotions going through him.  And even though I was there for support and comforting him, I couldn't help but feel happy for my boy.  He finally met a girl who effected his every emotion and action.  And that girl is you.  You brought it out in him."  She explains with a passion.  

I feel a mix of surprise and joy course through me as she said that.  "Really?"  I ask. 

She nods her head.  "Yes.  Let me just say that I can sense strong chemistry between you two.  Adam could not keep his eyes off of you the whole night." 

I snort.  More like he glared at me the whole time.  I mentally retort.  But I guess I said that aloud as Emilia shakes her head in disagreement. 

"No.  While you weren't looking, he had a longing look in his eyes.  And yes, he may still be remorseful, but beyond all of that angst, he wishes that he could be with you.  The way he looked at you was so intense that I can dare to say that he might love you."  She points out. 

Hearing this makes my heart flutter in excitement.  It's nice to know that he actually does care for me.  And not just me who does all the caring.  "You noticed that?"

Emilia releases a short chuckle.  "Of course I did.  I'm a mother.  I notice how Vince looks at Kelley with so much love in his eyes.  I notice how Ryan looks up to his brothers as a role model..." she trails off, "...and I notice how Ian looks at your friend like she's his world." 

"I guess you're right about that."  I comment. 

"Honey, I am right."  She says. 

I think about everything she's told me.  I'm still worried about how she'll react if I do go back out with Adam.  How will the whole family react and feel? 

"What about Ian?"  I carefully ask. 

"What about him?" 

"Well how would you feel if I breakup with him and date Adam?"  I question. 

I watch her breathe in the cold air and slowly let it out, a calculating look in her eyes.  "Well, I guess I would have to be fine with it." 

I don't say anything to that which allows her to continue. 

"I know Ian will be happy with or without you.  That's the thing about him.  It's easy for him to find someone who would make his world."  She elaborates. 

"Oh."  I quietly mumble. 

"But it's different with Adam.  His main priority is work.  And I am proud of him and all of his accomplishments, it's just sad to see that he's not happy.  Yes he would date girls, but they were only distractions so he wouldn't go crazy from all the hard work he does."  She continues. 

"I see."  I mumble. 

"And that's all I want for my children.  For them to be happy.  So I know Ian would be fine if you date Adam."  She concludes. 

Wow, just hearing all of that about Adam and Ian changes my perspective about both of them.  Hearing that Ian is perfectly fine without me makes breaking up with him so much easier.  And listening to Adam's side of the story just increases my feelings for him even more.  He doesn't show it, but he is the most vulnerable guy around when it comes to love and things like that.  And that just makes me wanna be there for him more often. 

"Thank you."  I whisper as I lean in for a hug. 

"No, thank you."  She replies as she hugs me back. 

We stay in that position until I pull away and stare at the water fountain in the darkness. 

"We should go back inside.  Don't want you catching a cold."  She speaks as she gets up. 

I nod my head in agreement and follow her back inside the invitingly warm house. 

I'm really glad I had a nice conversation with Emilia.  She's changed my whole perspective on her sons.  And if I hadn't talked to her, then I don't know what kind of decisions I would be making.  I'm just thankful for her. 


Author's note: short chapter, yeah I know.  But I enjoyed writing it.  You get to see what kind of things and expectations Emilia has for her children. 

1.) has your perspective changed about Adam and Ian?

2.) how's your weekend?

Love you all! 😘

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