Epilogue-1: Fiancé

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Last night was amazing.  It feels as if it was all a blur.  I open my eyes and take in my handsome fiancé who I happened to say yes to.  I raise my hand and admire the ring, how it glimmers at every angle where the light hits it. 

As I watch him sleep, I can't help but allow a huge grin take over my face.  He's mine. He's all mine.  There's no one to interfere.  Everything is perfect.

He stirs as he wakes up, turning to look at me. "Good morning, beautiful."

I smile as I lay on top of him, "good morning."

"How did my fiancé sleep?"  He coos as he strokes my cheek with his finger.

"I slept amazing." 

"So you're not sore or anything?"  He inquires, raising a teasing brow.

After Adam proposed to me last night and after he made more donations at the ball, we left early and came to his place to have a little bit of fun.  He rocked my world so much that my voice is a bit coarse from all the screaming I did.

"We've had sex quite enough to where I shouldn't be sore anymore."  I chuckle.

"Oh yeah?"  He smirks as a dark look flashes across his face, making my heartbeat accelerate like hell.

"So then you wouldn't have a problem if I wanted to go for another round right now?"  He huskily asks as he rolls over and hovers on top of me.

I take a small gulp, feeling my body tingle under his presence.  "N-Nope.  Not at all."

He dips his head close to mine as he lands a soft kiss on my lips, so soft that it feels almost as if a feather is kissing me. 

I felt his tip at my entrance but realized that he's bare.  And I'm not taking any birth control either. 

"Adam,"  I mumble, breaking away from his kiss.


"Condom?"  I breathe, glad that he didn't go in all the way.

"We're engaged now, which means no condoms anymore." 

I frown at his statement, knitting my brows together.  "But what if I get pregnant?"

"Then you get pregnant.  Besides, going raw is so much better."  He says gently, stroking my hair.

I was hesitant.  If I get pregnant, am I ready to have a baby?  Am I ready to be a mother?  Is Adam ready to be a father?  I mean he's financially stable to support a family, but are we both mentally stable to be parents?  We just got engaged, so adding a pregnancy announcement with that will be a whole lot to take in.

"Hey, it's okay.  Whatever happens, happens.  Just know I'll be by your side."  He ensures, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I smile at his words, but I'm still not a hundred percent convinced that everything will be okay if I get pregnant.

"Trust me."  He whispers, breaking my line of thought.

When I really think about it, I know that at the end of the day Adam will have my back.  And I trust him for that, but do I trust myself?  I guess I will have to take that risk to find out.

"Okay."  I whisper, nodding my head.

"Yeah?"  He asks to make sure.


He was right, going raw was better than with a condom.

Later on in the week, Adam and I decided that we are going to announce our engagement at the Halloween party he's hosting at work.  He came dressed as a doctor while I was his sexy nurse.  I was excited about the party because I haven't talked to my friends in a while.

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