Alfie starts a convo with me :)

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I wake up to a good morning Skype message
"Oh my god! It's Alfie! I can't believe he would take time out if his day to talk to me I would never of thought he would be so nice!" I say to myself

I start getting ready for school and I here a sound coming from my phone so I pick it up and Alfie is Skyping me.. This is amazing I think to myself

I answer

"Hi" I say "what cha doin callin me? I'm just another boring professional fan girl"

"Haha I called to tell u I've booked the flights and I come to Perth on Thursday!!"

"OMG r u for real!! I thought u were just saying that and then you were gonna delete me off Skype cuz u just wanted to make me smile"

"Haha I'm happy your happy"

*mum yells "hurry up"

"Hey Alfie I gotta go to school I'll talk to u later"

"Alright hahah have fun in hell *wink* hahah cya"

"BYEEE" I say as I hang up

*4 hours later*

It's recess so my friends and I walk the canteen get some food and sit down

"Hey guess who I've been skypeing lately!!"

"Who?" Amy says

"ALFIE DEYES!!!" I say screaming like a complete idiot

"Who's that?" Said Rebekah

"Are you crazy" me and Amy say at the same time

"Hahah ohh wait he's that hot youtuber isn't he?"

"YESSS!!" I say

"How did u get his Skype?" Amy asks "gimmi his Skype"

"Hell to the no hahah!! He added me and it was so amazing"

"Details!!" Says Rebekah

*the bell rings*

"I'll tell u guys at lunch!"

"Alright" they both say

I run over to my friend Ramona (her Instagram @troye_sivan_5ever and @ramona261)

I tell her the whole story.. Lucky we had math together because if took 45 minutes just to tell the story but of Course I told her every single detail.

The best weeks of my life! Alfie deyes, zoe sugg, troye Sivan, tyde Levi and tyler OakleyWhere stories live. Discover now