Perfection Of The Heart (BoyxBoy)

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Perfection Of The Heart (BoyxBoy)

Chapter One: Meeting

Remi's P.O.V


"Remi! Come on! I need to show you something!" the head social worker, Janet, shouted. Sighing, I rolled off of my bed, grabbed an over-sized hoodie and stumbled out the door and down the stairs.

Wandering about the ground floor of the care home, I found her in the main office, behind her desk and in front of her laptop. I tapped timidly on the glass of the office door before slowly opening it and walking to stand in front of her.

"Remi, this is Shane," she said softly, motioning to the chair in the corner of the room. I hadn't even noticed someone else was in the room, but there was. With wild brown curls, a wide grin and green eyes, a boy sat. "He's new here." My gaze flickered back to Janet before flicking over Shane. I shrugged lightly at her, wondering what her had to do with me, and she smiled nervously, before continuing on with what she was saying. "He needs a room to stay in, and your's is the only one with any space in it."

She hadn't asked me directly, although I knew what she was going to ask, and I was already shaking my head, slowly and slightly at the beginning, but gradually turning into fast and vicious shakes. "Remi, can Shane stay in your room?"

I shook my head even faster, so fast that my head began to spin, so I stopped and pinned Janet with an unflinching stare that spoke my answer loud and clear. "I need a spoken answer, Remi, otherwise he'll move in." Although it was spoken gently, I heard the unintentional threat clearly. It was a win-win situation for her; she would either get me to speak, or have my privacy invaded - which I would not appreciate - which was what she had been trying to get me to do for the past five years I had been there.

Staring at her more intensely did nothing but give me a headache, and I knew that I had lost. Sighing, my shoulders slouched as my head hung low in defeat. A new voice suddenly pierced the air, making me jump, "Hey, I'm Shane!" He chirped brightly, "Um, are you a chick or a dude, 'cause I can't . . . really tell . . ?"

My head shot up to look at him. His cheeks stained a light pink of embarrassment as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. I knew I was short, like 5' 3" short, but come on, seriously?! Scowling, I lifted my head up slightly so the light slipped into my hood and covered my features, making my face visible from the shadows they were usually hidden in.

And without thinking, much to my horror, I opened my mouth and said two words.


Shane's P.O.V


"This is the fourth care home already, Shane!" Scolded Lola, my social worker as she drove me to my newest care home. "Why must you always get yourself in trouble?"

"Because it's what I do best," I replied, but sunk low into my seat at the heavy glare she sent me, seen as it was a rhetorical question. "Well, it's true," I mumbled to myself, but I knew she heard me when she sighed heavily.

"It's not your fault, Shane," she said, patting my knee, before bursting out, "We're here!"

Looking around, I realised she had parked on a gravel driveway that lay parallel to the black double doors outside a three storey Georgian town house. It was huge, with bricks and large airy windows that let the sunlight pour through. On either sides of the driveway was lush green grass, edged with hedges trimmed into spheres and purple flowers.

Blinking, I opened the car door and slipped out of the car. I raced to the car boot and dragged my suitcases out, dragging them along the gravel and heaving them up the stairs, before knocking on the door, doubled over and heaving for air. Lola stepped up behind me, chuckling, "Why the rush?"

Glancing over at her, I laughed breathlessly, "I have absolutely no idea!"

Suddenly, the large black doors opened to reveal a tall, large woman in her forties with dull brown hair scraped back into a tight bun and calculating muddy brown eyes. Nothing exciting about her, I thought with a sigh as she grinned at Lola. "You must be Lola! I'm Janet, head social worker. And this is Shane, I presume?" She asked, glancing me up and down before smiling. Opening the doors wider, stepping back, and sweeping her hand out to point through the doorway, she cheered, "Come on in, guys!"

I shuffled through with my suitcases, whilst Janet waddled past and into an office at the end of the hallway. "Come on, let's discuss you're room." She called, waving us through the door of the main office. Once we were in, I dumped my suitcases down and slumped in the nearest seat. Lola slid in next to me, whilst Janet sat down opposite us behind the desk. "Right, we are a big house, but also a popular one - there's only one space left which you've managed to get!"

Well, it did seem like a popular place, the outside appearance said enough. But come on, one place left?! Janet looked at me expectantly, so I mumbled out a 'sure'.

"You will be sharing a room with Remi, it's on the top floor at the end of the hallway. Remi is . . . a quiet character and has had quite a traumatic past." Traumatic past? What, did Remi's parents die like mine? That's pretty traumatic, sitting crushed in a car whilst you watch your parents bleed to death.

"Is that all?" I asked when nobody moved.

"Well, I suppose so, yes," said Janet.

"Alright then, see you around, Lola," I whispered into Lola's ear as I hugged her tightly. I let go and stood up, watching her walk out, pausing at the door frame to turn around and wave. I waved back, before turning around to face Janet, looking at her expectantly.

 "I'll just call Remi. If you could just sit down over in that corner please, Shane," she asked, pointing to a chair in the corner of the room. I complied and dumped myself in the chair, before she shouted out, "Remi! Come on! I need to show you something!" I was a bit confused as to why she said, 'show you something', instead of 'introduce you to someone'. I was about to ask her, when a quiet knock sounded, followed by the door opening slightly and someone walking in.

The person was short, a little taller than five foot, and was covered from head to toe. They wore low slung baggy black jeans, battered black converses and a large black hoodie with the hood up, concealing their face in shadows. I realised then that I didn't know if Remi was a boy or a girl, and their appearance didn't give me that answer.

Janet said something to Remi, which they responded to by turning around to me - but I still couldn't see Remi's face - and turning back, shrugging. She continued to speak to Remi, and halfway through, they shook their head, the head shake gaining more violence with every shake. Suddenly, they stopped, and stood completely still, and Janet glanced over at me.

I took this as my chance to introduce myself, and stood up. "Hey, I'm Shane!" Without thinking, I voiced my thoughts on whether Remi was a guy or a girl, and immediately regretted it, blushing furiously and awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Um, are you a chick or a dude, 'cause I can't . . . really tell . . ?"

I could have kicked myself I sounded so stupid. Remi didn't say anything, but raised their head. The sunlight poured into his hood, making his crystal blue eyes light up and glow, and his black hair that swooped across his forehead and frame his face closely in flicks shine. Below his pale lips were snake bite piercings. His skin was like porcelain, pale and smooth and perfect, a dramatic contrast to his midnight hair. His face held no emotion, or age, yet his eyes showed wisdom and maturity.

"I'm Remi."

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