The Three Fold Law

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The Three Fold Law is a witches karma. It's says that anything that you put out it the world will come back to you three times good or three times bad. Simmilar to the law of attraction. Meaning that if you do something bad like a bad spell to cause someone harm it will affect you 3 times. Maybe you'll feel bad in the first about what you did. Or they could get Angry with you and decide to take action against you, and there are many other negative consequences. If you do something good and know the intentions of the other person or yourself are for the better or for good instead of for bad it will come back to you 3 times good. But you have to know if the intentions are purely good and you do not have other intentions that could possibly bring harm two another or yourself. An example of when you can use magick improperly is when a friend asked you to use a love spell for their crash. This can impact you negatively if the spell works but the person under the spell does not wish to be there and is only there do to your magick.

This is not to say you should be afraid to do magick though it may seem scary in the beginning of you practice of magick but depending on your deity they can understand your intention in the first place if you choose to use is too not harm others.

If you are a wiccan and not a witch this law still applies you. In every day actions we still have the effect of the three fold law. Each of our actions weather positive or negative still come back 3 times. That is to say that you're intentions are not too harm but the reaction harms another unintentionally there is a benefit. Pure intentions still are made for a good not a bad. This means that if you're intentions are originally good the world around will still have the three fold law affect you in a positive way.

Everything we do weather in magick or outside of it has the Karma of a witch known as the three fold law as stated throughout this chapter will have an effect on you.

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