Full Curiculum

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First Year, First Semester

☻ MSC101 - [Music] JMusic 

☻ COSP101 - Introduction to Cosplay (Major Subject)

☻ CRAF141 - Crafting and Props Making

☻ ANIM100 - [Anime] Japanimation

☻ LITT100 - [Literature] Manga and Japanese Novels

☻ LANG101 - [Language] Japanese

☻ TECH100 - [Technology] Introduction to Gaming Society and Visual Novels

☻ PHED100a - [Physical Education] 3DMG Training

*Mondays will be regular classes with regular subjects with Math, Science, English and Filipino

First Year, Second Semester

☻ TRLL141 - [Trolling] Meme

☻ PHED100b - [Physical Education] Sword Skill

☻ LITT101 - [Literature] Caligraphy

☻CRAF142 - [Crafting] Functional Props Making

☻ SOSC101c - Kasaysayan ng Cosplay sa Pilipinas

☻ MATH110 - College Algebra

☻ BIOL100 - [Biology] Cloning

☻ PHLO100c - Philosphy of Otaku

Second Year, First Semester

☻ TRLL142b - [Trolling] Bishounen and Bishoujo Stalking

PHED100c - [Physical Education] Ninja Training

COMM101c - Voice Dubbing

COSP102 - Cosplay Cosmetics and Make-up

LITT102 - [Literature] Fan Fiction

COSP110 - Convention Productions Design

LANG101 - [Language] Katakana

TECH110 - [Technology] Digital Design

 *Mondays will be regular classes with regular subjects with Advance Algebra,  Science, English and Filipino 

Second Year, Second Semester

☻ PHED100d - [Physical Education] Cat Walk

☻ COMM102 - Public Relations (for AB JCCO Students)

LANG101 - [Language] Hiragana

TECH111 - [Technology] Cosplay Photography

BESC105 - Traditional Manga and Webtoon Design

ANIM101 - [Anime] Subbing and Translations

NSTP101 - National Service and Training Program

ENGL100 - Communcation Arts

Third Year, First Semester

LAN101 - [Language] Kanji

ANIM102 - [Anime] Logic

TECH102 - [Technology] Basic Animation

COSP111 - Marshall Training

JAPA100 - Introduction to Japanese Culture

COMP213 - Computer Trends

ECON100c - [Economics/Cooking] Bento Making

CRAF143 - [Crafting] Advance Weapon and Armor Design

 *Mondays will be regular classes with regular subjects with Geometry, Chemistry, English and Filipino

Third Year, Second Semester

TECH103 - [Technology] Advance Animation

LANG101 - [Language] Middle East Language

BRMJ300 - Basic Marketing Management (For Cosplay Convention Sponsorship)

ECON100c - [Economics/Cooking] Pastries and Sweets

HRMI101 - Basic Social Interaction

COSP103 - Advance Cosplay Production

CRAF144 - [Crafting] Costume and Accessory Design

COSP145 - Crossdressing

Fourth Year, First Semester

COMM201 - Seiyuu-Voice and Video Productions

COSP198 - Communication Research (for AB JCCO Students)

JAPA101 - Japanese Value and Ethics

TECH145 - Virtual Reality

 *MWF will be regular classes with regular subjects with Calculus, Physics, English and Filipino

Fourth Year, Second Semester

☻ COSP107 - Cosplay Management

☻ COSP112 - Marshall Laws and Ethics

☻ COSP200 - Practicum / Internship Review for College.

Otaku Academy [Neo Generation]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon