So many things felt but not expressed.
So many words untold.
So many tears uncried.
So much pain hidden behind a smile.
So many feelings missunderstood.
So many nights spent bleeding hoping to never wake up again.
So many expressif looks, but still not understood.
So many cries for help unheard.
So many scars unhealed.
So many heartbreaks unfixed.
So many pain screamings ignored.
So many songs and memories cried.
So many tears unexplained.
So many times birted in tears but seemed like nobody cared.
So many persons, memories, voices, smells, presences missed.
So many things said but undone.The key of happiness in this lige is to wait for nothing from noone,
To not to wait for a positive result from anything.
Life is a bitch.
You can't know what kind of surprises it hides for you.