Finish line

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AN: Just how I think the final fight between Barry and Savitar could go down on The Flash this season! Tell me your thoughts!

Barry stood in his suit, staring at the sight he saw, Iris lying down dead, Wally crying as he saw they had failed to save what mattered most to them! Barry was in control, and started to walk towards the other speedster, the other version of him! "Are you happy now!? Your Prophecy came true! You wanted us to fall, to be torn apart, but its this that will make us stronger!" he said enraged. Savitar moved forward, closing the distance, and then stopping. "I always knew what this would do to you, after all, we are the same person Flash!" he said. Barry stared at his future self, pure hatred in his eyes! "You told me I took everything from you! Now though, now I see the truth, you took it all away! You claimed you wanted it all back but you caused yourself to lose it! Not me! Not iris! None of us, ONLY YOU!" he bellowed the last part. "After all the time and torment that you will endure, you will see that what happened will cause you to lose your regard, you'll love the thrill that killing bring you!" replied Savitar! Barry looked on. "If you wanna kill me kill me! But I want some answers first!" he said. "Answers to what? A question you were thinking of since the dominators, since you heard your future self's message, claiming your mistake and the way you changed time! That message spoke of a war, one where I led on the front lines, along with some of your greatest friends and enemies! That war made me see the truth, that being this so-called Scarlett Speedster was simply a myth, a dream that was shattered as soon as it began!" explained Savitar, relishing every moment of this. Barry was beginning to understand. "you lost something in that war!" he said. Savitar's voice was angry. "I lost everything! Not because of the enemy we faced, but because you, a different version, found out just what I thought I could do! My intention was simple Flash! Control the enemy I had faced and make them do my bidding, killing any and every enemy I had to, but the plans were ruined, and all the friends, enemies and family I had were lost, when the speedforce catapulted you, the real Flash, from a few months before to stop me! I was defeated, my intentions revealed and humiliated. By then I had lost everything, all I had were the injuries you had left me! If you can't save a city by being the hero, you save it by being the villain!" said Savitar. Barry stood there, dumbfounded. "No, you more than likely enslaved it, you once offered hope!" said Barry. "If I have learned one thing its that offering does not give people safety! Now look at you Flash, the chaos you have caused has unleashed me!" replied Savitar. Barry got ready to run. He knew that this would be the final time they fought, the final chance he had to save everyone. "Sorry to disappoint you, but the person you killed wasn't Iris, it was a hologram, you're not always as far ahead as you think!" said Barry. Savitar screamed enraged. "Then it would appear you have everything still! Yet you deserve none of it! I will show you what hell is Flash!" said the other speedster. "You can't kill me! Not without killing yourself! We're the same person, we're tied together!" said Barry. Now was the time! "We won't be for much longer! NOW I WILL SHOW YOU THAT I AM A GOD! I AM THE RULER OF THE SPEEDFORCE!" yelled Savitar. The two of them charged Barry was slightly faster, catching Savitar's face and pushing him to the side. Quickly, Barry speed punched, hitting the weak points of his armour that H.R. and others on his team had pointed out. Savitar wasn't down long. Kneeing Barry in the stomach he took out the blades in his arms. He hacked and slashed at Barry, at one point catching him in the chest, but only leaving a flesh wound. Barry ran, attempting to take the fight away from the crowd that was gathering. Out of nowhere, Savitar hurled several bolts of lightning at Barry. Barry caught 2 and charged them together, throwing them right back at the so called Speed God. Savitar was stunned. "Finally, something that proves a challenge!" said Savitar. Barry attacked again trying to make a funnel and hit Savitar randomly, but was knocked back down by the speed god's own bolt of Lightning. "Perhaps I was wrong... there isn't much that you are able to offer Flash, there is no challenge, only history!" he said. "I... I will stop you! I am going to stop you!" said Barry. It was useless, he had been drained of his energy after rushing around the city to catch his foe. "There is no point Barry! I once thought the same way when I encountered a foe far beyond my ability to defeat, all that happened was me, losing all who I loved and cared for, taken away by you!" said Savitar. Barry rushed at him punching wildly and knocked the speedster to the ground. Barry grabbed him and ran, the same way Savitar had when they had first met, throwing him and punching him. It did little to even weaken Savitar with his armour on. "No, you took it all away from yourself after you betrayed all those you had. Family, friends, people who loved you and cared about you, you lost all of that yourself!" said Barry. Savitar ran at him enraged, picked him and threw him, his strength and speed much superior to Barry's own and blasted him pure blue lightning but still Barry stood up again. "If you think you know anything about what happened in the future you would be wrong! You have no trap, the speedforce will not be able to hold me time!" said Barry's Future self. Barry charged and ran round in circles, punching, kicking, hurling Lightning and finally knocking the speedster down holding him. Barrys vibrated his hand and phased it through the armour and removed its core, crippling it, but not destroying it. The armour was paralysed. After that, Barry help up the tech that Tracy Brand had invented, and showed it to the speedster. "I guess the future didn't account for me doing everything I could to stop you...?" he asked. Savitar laughed. "Even if your prison can hold me I will break free, and I will have my revenge! Just wait Barry, there is only chaos, that's all you represent!" said Savitar, coughing slightly. "No, I represent hope, whatever happened to you it broke you, I'm not your enemy" said Barry. Savitar lunged, using his pure strength but Barry swatted his arm aside. "What happened to me will happen to you! Your past self will take everything away from you! You'll be left with nothing, and the hatred you hid away for so long will rise to the surface, and when it does, even from the speedforce I will know that I have won! It might surprise you Barry, but then again, haven't we both been playing this game long enough?" asked Savitar, beaten. "This isn't a game, its people's lives, people who I have saved, where you simply destroyed them! You haven't won, Zolomon didn't win, and neither did Thrawn! You've all Lost" said Barry he activated the device, and prepared to slam it on the armour. "We both know your victory is only temporary! Zoloman and Thrawn don't know you like I do! I know everything about you!" said Savitar. "You think you crossed the finish line Flash? You only crossed the line that makes what you swore to never become: A hero who embraced the darkness! How does it feel? That small slither will crawl upwards and upwards, making you just like me!" Barry stood, ready. "If you ever make it out again, I'll give you an all new meaning of Hell!" he said, and slapped the device, the speedforce sucking Savitar in, returning him to the prison he had been in for so long. Barry stood, thinking about the last words that had been said by his enemy. Could he ever become like that?

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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The Flash! Barry VS Savitar episode 23Where stories live. Discover now