Dad Breaking The Bad News

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I hope all of you like this chapter! I didn't know what to write, so i came up with this! XD Sorry, for those who didn't see The Hunger Games movie. I had wrote about it! JUST WARNING!! SORRY FOR MISTAKES!!! 



               "Thanks for the ride, Dara!" Adam smile getting out of the car. I giggle blushing from our conversation we had through the whole ride "No, Problem!"                

"Hey, want to come in?" he asks shyly.

"Umm..." I hesitated to answer.

"It's okay," he laughs beautifully in the air "my parents are home." he says running over to my door. "Come on. I want to give you something." he opens the door lending out his hand.

"Okay." I gave in turning off the engine. I briefly smile taking his hand in mine. Walking up to his front door he took out his keys. The house was beautiful. Its thick brick walls and the golden crest around the double door frame were amazingly made. The melting snow against the brick walls, the small stones surrounding an area where flowers are planted that hasn’t bloom.

"Come in." he smiles, walking in. The inside reminded me of Raphael's house, but less noise, photos, and antiques.

"Your house is nice!" I giggle looking around.

"Thanks." he drew out a small laugh "Mom? Dad?" he says dipping his head into the kitchen "Yes, Hun?" I hear a voice from behind us.

A woman with amazing bright grey eyes and long curly brown hair entered the kitchen. It brought out Adam's mom cream skin. "Oh!" She beams excitingly "You're Mr. Costello's daughter!" she widens her eyes in surprise.

I smile nodding "Hi." I shyly spoke "I'm-"

"Dara, I know!" she blushes while giggling "I work with your father." she touches my upper arm "I'm his secretary."

"You’re my dad’s secretary?" I gave her a confuse look "How come I’ve never met you, then?"

"Well, we did meet when you were a kid!" she smiles "John and I have been close friends since high school! I finally moved back to my hometown, and I started working for your father a few days ago. Also, Adam told me what you did."

"Oh, it's nothing." I thought of the day I helped Adam to the nurse's room.

"What do you mean it's nothing!?!" she freaks out playfully. "You helped him when he was unable to get up from the pain!" she says pulling her brows together "And, Adam here keeps talking about you." she laughs winking at her son.

"Mom!" Adam shouts with embarrassment. I snicker glancing at Adam.

"Come on, Dara." he pulls my arm.

“Okay, well see ya later, Mrs.-”

"Please, call me Liz! Oh, and Adam, dad isn't going to be home 'till midnight! He's busy with his patients!" she shouts after us. Walking up the stairs we turned the corner "This is my room." he says opening the wooden door. Walking in I smelt the cologne he uses, it wasn't strong, but just enough for me to be able to smell it. The walls are painted a faded green and it was spotless. There stood a desk at the far end on the left of the room when you enter. I walk over sitting on his made bed. “I like your room.” I glance around his room. “It looks really comfy.” I spot two comfy black chairs at the corner across from his desk.

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