3 | NR - ex in shining armour

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3 | Norman Reedus imagine.

Imagine that Norman is your ex, you both broke up but aren't over one another at all; you're both so deeply in love.
He sees you out in town with your new boyfriend who's a complete asshole; he comes to save the day.

"Can you hurry the fuck up?" Your new douche bag boyfriend huffed at you while you was picking out a new lipstick.

"Please can you give me a minute? I hardly get a chance to pick out anything." You frowned, picking up a beautiful deep red shade.

"Don't get to pick anything out?! You spent over £100 on a fucking dress and a suit!" He screamed at you, you felt embarrassed as everyone was beginning to look at you.

"That was for a job interview Alex, the job I recently got that pays all the fucking bills." Arguing back tears pricked your eyes.

You missed Norman, it had been months and you didn't hear from him once no matter how many times you called and texted him; you wanted him back. Loosing him was the worst mistake of your life.

"You know what? We're fucking going home." Alex grabbed you, pulling you up and dragging you out the shop.

Everyone stared at you, allowing this to happen, they never said a word apart from whispering to their friends or whoever they was with.

Alex has done this before but not in public, at home he'd kick off and often throw things at you or hit you. You hated him, but no one else would show you love...not like Norman did.

"You pathetic little bitch!" He hissed at you; you were now in the parking lot, completely empty apart from a car that was very similar to Norman's.

Could it be?

Alex threw you to the ground, you began to weep like a little puppy.

"I'm fucking sick of you!" He yelled, kicking you again.

Tears ran down your cheeks, feeling the pain take over your spine.

"Oi! Get off of her!" You heard a gruff voice yell, it was Norman.

Norman raced over to you, pinning down Alex, screaming at him while throwing punches.

After Alex's face turning purple and covered in cuts and blood,
Norman turned round running over to you, his tears made his eyes go glassy. You missed him.

"Baby..." he whispered, lifting you into his arms. His cologne filled your nostrils and made all of your memories with him smack you in the face. "I'm so sorry."

You sobbed into his shoulder, clinging onto him as he took you to his car. He put you in the passenger seat and took you to his house.


You missed Norman's place, if still looked the same and the pictures of you both were still on the walls.

"How long has this been happening." Norman fetched you the blanket you shared.

"Since I met him, I don't love him, I was using him." You stuttered.

"It's okay if you've moved on—"

"No! Norman, I haven't. I was using him. I still love you." You panicked, you threw yourself at Norman holding him tightly.

"I still love you too, but I'm not allowing you to go back there with him." Norman stroked your hair.

"Will you allow me to stay here with you?" You asked, pulling back to admire his face you was desperate to see.

"Of course." He smiled, before kissing you softly.

Norman Reedus Imagines Where stories live. Discover now