Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: an abrupt wake up call and a new weapon

I was laying in bed when I heard yelling, again, I groaned and slammed my pillow over my head trying to block out the noise. But of coarse my plan failed horribly.

"MIKEY!!! GIVE THAT BACK!!" A low voice screamed angrily as the other one was laughing his head off, Mikey and raph...

"ugh! It's to early for this stuff..." I complained to myself, I looked at my clock and it was... 3:00 AM in he morning?! I realised my jaw dropping to the floor. I got out of bed and headed towards the fighting. They where chasing each other around for a silly comic book? I mean yes I like comics, but when someone is fighting over one small comic at three in the morning it kinda gets a bit ridiculous after a while...

"will you guys shut it?! This is the third time this week! And  it's three in the morning!!" I whisper yelled at the pair so I didn't wake up sensei, though I was pretty sure he would wake up from the noise, maybe.

"Not until Mikey gives me my comic back!"

"What are you guys even doing being up this early?!" I whisper/screamed at them giving them a death glare.

"Mikey thought it'd be smart if he'd grab one while I was sleeping!"

"It almost worked dude! Until I tripped over your messy room!" Mikey defended. I face palmed and stormed towards them snatching the comic and handing raph his comic and pushing them away from each other, then heading to my room slamming my door, I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes resting in the beautiful silence.

(Time skip brought to you by ice-cream kitty~!! :3)

I woke up peacefully and sat up stretching my arms and stopped to listen to the blissfulness of this perfect silence in the lair. I got up got ready and headed out of my room and into the kitchen to make everyone some breakfast, because to be honest Mikey wasn't the best cook and the last time he cooked something, he nearly burned the whole lair down. I grabbed stuff from the pantry when I heard four doors opening and footsteps rustling towards the kitchen.

"Morning guys!" I said cheerfully giving them a warm smile.

"how can you be so energetic (y/n)? I mean you were woken up at three in the morning and your full of energy" raph said shock in his voice. I chuckled lightly and continued to make breakfast.

"guess you'll never know...!" I said in a sing-song voice.

I decided to make pancakes since it was Friday and today we didn't have to do any training, which was slightly disappointing for me. I finished the last stack of pancakes and put them all on five different plates, I grabbed them all and lined them on my arms balancing them carefully, I let one slide down onto the table in front of Mikey, then Donnie, next was raph and finally was Leo, as I gave them their plates I spun round the table excitedly. I sat down at my seat and started to eat hungrily, but made sure I didn't look like a ravenous animal at the same time

"oh my- this is amazing (y/n)!" Mikey exclaimed starting to shove the pancakes down his throat, nearly inhaling them.

"I don't know.... just made them to the best of my abilities!" I said smiling as ate another piece of food.

As we all finished I grabbed their plates and cleaned them before taking a plate to splinters room, I knocked quietly.

"you awake sensei?"

"Yes I am... you may enter" he answered kindly, I opened the door with my free hand and walked over to him handing him some pancakes for breakfast.

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