Chapter XV

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Do Me A Favor?

"If i asked you to do me a favor, would you do it, Sasuke-kun?"

"Depends on what it is, Sakura."

"What if i asked you to..."

Sakura giggled she gave him a hug. "You are so awkwardly cute! You really know how to flatter a girl, Sasuke-kun!"

Sasuke blushed, but his hopes came crashing down. She didn't believe me...?Is she even taking this seriously?

She laughed and held his hand, "Too bad there aren't any more girls like me!"

He turned to her, "What?"

Sakura smiled, "Because, I am me! And we are all different, in our own special way!" she made him walk.

Sasuke sighed. She is so oblivious... or... maybe she's acting?


Sakura smiled and laughed to herself. Aw... this shouldn't be happening. She turned to him, "So, if I'm your type of girl, what do ya like about me?" I hope it isn't true.


Naruto leaned on the railing and just chatting to Hinata. "So, do you do any sports?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm not very... s-strong, so I don't do any." She smiled shyly, "And I hate the concept of if someone w-sins, then the other lo-loses."

Naruto smiled, "You're so nice, Hinata... I don't deserve you."

She blushed.

He rubbed his chin, "But, Hina-chan, I think that you would be really good at ballet! You should try out!" he stepped away from the rail and did a pirouette.

She giggled and nodded, "I'll try..."

Naruto walked back and laughed, "You'll definitely make it!" she smiled and he continued, "So do you have any hobbies?"

She stared thoughtfully and said, "Piano."

He pressed keys of a piano in the air and said, "I wanna see you play sometime, alright?"

She nodded and said, "Wha-what about you...?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, I'm pretty good at sports, but Teme and I decided not to join any clubs or sports." He scratched the back of his head, "And I'm not really in to anything. Besides eating ramen, and Kyuubi... and you..." he smiled cutely.

Hinata blushed and then asked softly, "Who's Kyuubi?" I bet it's another girl. I mean, how can he like me? Me, the quiet one to always stutters.

Naruto stared thoughtfully, mimicking her, "Oh, he's just my pet fox."

She nodded, "Oh!" YES! "Ho-how come you ne-never told us you ha-had a fox?"

He laughed, "You never knew, because you've never gone to my house! You should come over sometime."

She blushed, "Yeah... I li-live with Tenten now... so okay." She smiled.

"Cool!" He took her hand and grinned, "Can I walk you to school everyday then?"

She nodded furiously. He's SO nice!

Naruto laughed, "I thought so! You're so cute Hinata!" He held her hand to his face. He laid it against his cheek.

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