Chapter XVI

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The Truth

"Are you being serious? Sakura?"

"I am not serious."


"I'm for shit serious."

Sasuke stared and stared. He felt like he just got stabbed... in the heart. He assessed her small smile, and she was serious.

He opened his mouth to speak, and managed out a low sputter, "Wh-wha-what?!"

Sakura nodded, her eyes were sharp, "You heard me, please, do us a favor and don't fall in love with me." After she said that she closed her eyes.

Sasuke stared. She's hiding. Why? He closed his eyes too and mumbled, "Why not?"

Sakura snuggled closer to him, and hugged his chest. Despite what she was doing, all she said was, "It would be painful. For the both of us... and for everyone who... knows."

He felt her breath through his light shirt, and the clenching and unclenching of her hands on his back. He hugged her back and put his lips in her hair. Forcefully, he said, "What if I already did?"

Sakura didn't say anything. But she did sob.

Sasuke jumped and pulled away form her to see her face. Tears were streaming down. She sniffled.

Sasuke's eyebrows knitted together, and he bit his lip, "Are you... alright?" she didn't reply but stared back with teary eyes. He held her chin to emphasize his care, "Did I hurt... your feelings?"

She burst out in a short laugh, with her eyes closed. Through tears she smiled, "No, Sasuke. I am happy!"

He smiled, relieved.

Her eyes still didn't open as she said, "I'm glad you love me. But this is just... difficult."

His smile fell and he just hugged her in his chest again. She held him tight and cried. He put his lips in her hair and just thought.

She was lying through her teeth. That's why she didn't let me see her eyes.

His heart ached. He knew this feeling right away. He felt it every since she told him that life was wonderful. He sighed.

I love her already.

He heard her voice, as if it were in the distance.

"Please... please don't fall in love with me."

His heart twisted, but he showed no expression, he just held her tighter. In a soft voice he whispered, "I can't make any promises... but, I'll... I'll... try. Good night... Sakura..."


Ino looked at him and tilted her head. Shikamaru lazily leaned on one leg. Ino looked around him and muttered, "Where's that... that Temari?" She spat that word with such malice, it shook him.

But he kept his cool. He pointed his head to the apartment, "I walked her home a couple minutes ago," More like hours.

Ino frowned and crossed her arms, "Then why are you here?"

He froze, kinda scared of how he should answer. So he again, chose a cool approach, "Just because I never want to talk to you, doesn't mean I don't... still... care about... you?"

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