c h a p t e r 2

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Sunlight poured into a tight but neat shed through a small window. The light poured onto a vixen-like pokémon, who was fast asleep. Something was then thrown onto her face, making the pokémon stand straight up with her fur on end. Her eyes were huge as she scanned the room, wondering who would've thrown something at her.

"About time you woke up." A familiar voice was heard above her. The Braixen looked up at the ceiling to find a greninja, upside down, looking directly at her.

"G-gah!" She stuttered as she fell backwards on the bed, covering up her scarlet cheeks from the greninja's view.

"Time for the official first lesson. I noticed you didn't carry a stick around like most other Braixens do, so I gave you one. Meet me by the farthest dock in less than ten minutes." He said before hopping down from the ceiling with his arms crossed and vanishing from view as he left the shed.

Braixen sat back up, her paws still covering her cheeks, which were now the color of the most invisible red. She looked behind her and realized that the object that was thrown at her was, sure enough, a stick. She picked it up and held it in her hands. It was smooth, yet rough, and had a nice brown shade to it. She clenched it tightly with one paw softly, realizing that it was the perfect size for her paw to grip on to. She then held it close to her nose and sniffed it. It had a decent smell of the salty breeze from the ocean, and yet still stored the same amount of earthy smell she always found helpful in sticks.

It was perfect. Braixen smiled and put it in her tail, storing it for later. It felt better now that she had a stick in her tail now, unlike the past couple of weeks where she hardly could even bear the idea of even finding a new one.

She then looked into one of the drawers, which had a decent amount of berries in it. She took out a Sitrus Berry and stuffed it in her mouth before opening the door of the shed toward the dock.

Immediately, a tang of salt was thrown at her, making her grip onto the sides of the shed. She has never experienced wind this bad. But, why would Greninja want to begin the first lesson right out here? She then tried to let go of the shed's exterior walls and push right through the wind, but failed. She was pushed back further down the dock, so she kneeled down of how she used to walk, fennekin like, and walked through it, gripping onto the floor boards with both hind lugs and arms.

It was a difficult walk, considering the fact that she pretty much forgot how to walk like a fennekin, and the serious wind didn't die down either, but she managed to get past the yellow building and a bit further.

The whistling of wind and the crashing of waves pounded through her ears. She finally was able to reach onto one of the handle bars at the far end of the dock and sit back up straight.

The moment she took one step forward, the wind had completely died down. Braixen stood there confused. To break the confusion, Greninja miraculously jumped from somewhere right in front of her. She jumped backwards in reflex, blushing slightly as she regained her balance.

" W-what was that for?!" She stuttered slightly as she tried to look him straight in the eye, which he returned back with a bored and calm expression. " Well, you passed the first part of the lesson, I'll tell you that." He replied, no interest or intention to answer her first question.

" Wait, what?" She said, clear confusion on her face as she tried to figure out what she did. Suddenly, a Staraptor, Braviary, and Pidgeot all perched themselves beside Greninja on the dock's handlebars. "Would that be enough for today?" The staraptor asked Greninja, oblivious to Braixen's clueless face. "Yes. You three are free to come back any time you'd like." The Ninja Frog pokémon replied back, placing his two webbed hands together which made him have the appearance that he was praying, but it was just a sign of respect toward the three pokémon.

The three pokémon bowed their heads before setting flight once more. Greninja watched them go for a moment before looking back at Braixen. " You are yet still confused now, aren't you?" He asked her, straightening up his tongue-scarf. The Vixen nodded, her eyes mostly focused on the surrounding dock so that she didn't have to make eye contact.

Greninja sighed before replying. " You were aware, I am quite sure, that the moment you stepped out of the shed, a powerful breeze took you by surprise, correct?" He asked her, his boring gaze becoming a questionable one.

"Yeah... so? I had to walk like a fennekin from that!" Braixen replied, clutching particularly nothing in her paw. " So, did it not seem rather odd to you that the wind died completely by the time you made it to the far end of the dock in less than ten minutes?" He said, a hint of Mr. Obvious in his voice. Braixen thought about it for a moment, putting one of her paws close to her muzzle.

" You still don't get it, don't you."
" Nope."

" Your dumber than I expected." Greninja said with dullness to Braixen. "Hey! Just because I don't know how to answer that question doesn't mean I'm dumb!" Braixen pouted as she looked at Greninja with a dumb expression.

" Yes it does!" Greninja shouted back, his tone now full of irritation. "It means that your dumbness is leading you to be ignorant!"

Braixen lowered her ears at his words. She knew it was true. She KNEW it was true because of the stupid organization with the Charizard and the Weavile.

Greninja sighed as he saw how angry he was and scolded himself for it. " I'm sorry, but it's the truth. You need to figure out your weak spots and know how to defend them. That's how you were able to get through the serious wind in the first place." He said to her.

Braixen looked back up at Greninja, her ears going back up. She hadn't notice how she had defended herself in the first place.

" Now you realize, don't you?" Greninja said, seeing hints of understanding on the Vixen. "Yes, I do." She replied back. Greninja nodded.

"That's the first part of the lesson. Stop and smell the roses. Now, onto the last part of the lesson."

Braixen looked at him, straight in the eye, taking out her stick which lit up in flames at the far end of the tip. Greninja smirked as he saw the look he has been waiting to see on her face since he first started teaching her."

" Defend the weak spots."


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