Chapter 4 - New Look

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Sam's pov.

i softly place my head against the door once it was closed.

a silent sob escaped my lips and i felt my chest clench painfully.

i placed both hands on the door for support.

" Hey Sam, what do you think about having blue hair? i think you would rock it, what about you may?" jess asked.

i let a small chuckle out at her attempt to brighten my mood.

"i love her hair as it is but i think she would look great with black raven like hair, you known with a slight blue tinge." may said thought fully.

i turned to face them a smile on making its way on to my face.

" lets see shall we?" i say and pull out my wand and say one of my favorite charms that i learned when i was young, i have probably had hair every color possible.

" i like it! You know what? i think you should let may and i give you a makeover!" Jess squealed.

" Whatever, if i dont like it i'm changing it though!" i say as i plop on the bed next to her.

"you will looooove it, i swear!" she said.

" Whatever, knock yourselves out. i'm going to take a tiny nap because people suck and drain me of energy!" i say moaning the last part as i dramatically fall back on the bed and throw a arm over my eyes.

" You such a drama queen sometimes!" jess said.

" Says the president of drama club!" i retort.

" Now shut up and let me sleep bench!" i growl at her.

i drift off to sleep to fly on purple clouds that taste like cotton candy, yummy!

i wake uplLittle over a three and a half hour later, feeling regenerated.

i run my hand through my hair and notice that its in tight ringlets.

i look over to the mirror and i dont notice the person looking back, they even changed my damn eye color!

my hair was raven black and in think glossy curls, my eyes were a sly cat like green.

the girls had made my eyes look wide and innocent but sexy at the same time with a metallic green eyeshadow, they are lined with thick black lashes and eye liner.

my lips are a soft pink, besides my eyes the make up looks natural.

i looked beautiful.

i almost laughed at what i was wearing, it was something i would totally wear, where as the rest of my 'new look' was totally not me.

i was dressed in a black lacy Gothic styled corset dress it was strapless and stopped about mid thigh.

" So which club are we hitting up tonight?"i call out

" Black Luna!" May called out.

" You can get us in right?!" jess asked.

" yeah, sure whatever!" i say.

to get into Black Luna you must be a werewolf or come with a werewolf, flash your canines and your in.

" Can !we stop at the Cafe?! i'm hungry!" i say.

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