White Fang's P.O.V - The new wolf

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I lived by myself; looking for wolves. My two brothers are dead now, humans fear me. I made sure they wished they never messed with me. I ran through the woods, breaking every trap there is. I stopped and looked around, "No sign of wolves here...," I said and sighed. Give up Snow, there will never be any more wolves on Earth besides you. Live with the fact that you're alone. Stop hunting for your family.  Something told me, I held back tears. "It's not fair... I lost everyone I loved. I've changed a lot sense then." I said again. I was alone, but maybe there are more wolves somewhere. I just haven't found any yet. I walked with my head hung low. I heard a rustle in a bush and a tiny soft voice, "Oh, it's you!" the voice said. I looked up and glared at the bush. A small rabbit hopped out, I growled softly. I don't have time for this! I glared at the rabbit. "I am Mr. Rabbit, I saw what happened to your family last year. I would love to help you, if you'd let me." The rabbit said. I let out a sigh, "Why do you want to help me?" I asked in a harsh way. I didn't need help, did I?

"I've seen you and your brother before, you're Snow."

"White Fang,"

"Oh, so you've changed your name? Why?"

"Reasons!" I spat at the rabbit. I didn't want to answer any questions. I just wanted to leave this place. "Sorry, but I thought I'd help you find more wolves." Mr. Rabbit smiled at me. I narrowed my eyes at Mr. Rabbit. "But! I will only tell you where they are if I get to help you out." He said. I let out a frustrated growl; Why am I wasting my time with a rabbit!? I don't have time! I thought. Mr. Rabbit smiled innocently at me. "Fine, you can help me...," I muttered  under my breath. "That's my  good girl," he said. I growled at him, "Don't call me YOUR girl, got it?" I snapped. Mr. Rabbit jumped  back nearly stumbling into a thorny bush. "I am terribly sorry, uh, White Fang." He said nervously. He shouldn't talk to me like that, I mean I AM a wolf and he IS a rabbit. I could easily stuff him in my mouth and swallow him up. It'll be good for me, I get breakfast. "Now, shall I tell you where to go?" He interrupted my thoughts. I shook my head and looked at him, "Yes," I said. He hopped on my back. "All righty then!" he said punching the air with his left paw. "Now, start walking, I will tell you if you're there. You'll see a dark cave." He said. I walked for what seemed like ages before he said "Stop." I stopped and sure enough the little rabbit was right, there was a dark cave. "Wait here," he said and jumped off hopping into the dark cave. I sat down grumbling under my breath until I saw Mr. Rabbit on something's back... another wolf!? I widened my eyes, I couldn't believe it! Another wolf on Earth. I watched the wolf walk to me. He seemed to be glaring at me. "This is Death," Mr. Rabbit said. Death had pitch black fur, almost like Black Moon's. Death's eyes stared into my soul, I lowered my ears. "I thought I was the last wolf on Earth, I guess not." His voice came harsh. I whined at the sound of it, I wasn't used to being around another wolf. It's been a year!

"Now, Death--," Mr. Rabbit started, but Death glared at him. "N-never mind, have fun!" Mr. Rabbit ran off.

"What's your name?"

"White Fang,"

"White Fang? The White Fang, the legend!? The one who got revenge on the humans?"

He seemed surprised, I looked at him. "Yes," I whispered softly. "You're a true legend, did you know that? My pack loved you, the way you got revenge on them humans. The--," I stopped him, "Your pack? There's more!?" I smiled brightly. Death gave me a look that said "I knew you'd ask that,"

"There's only like four counting me. The humans nearly wiped us out, we hid in this cage, but when you came along to save the wolf population, we've been able to make a home here." Death said with a smile. I jumped around, "Whoa, calm down."  Death said. "Do you know how long it's been sense I've been around other wolves? A year." I said answering my own question. "Ah, I see." Death said. I was no longer the last wolf on Earth. I could repopulate this wolf race, if there's any females. "How many females are there?" I asked.

"Two, there's two females and two males, there's already one pregnant." Death answered. I was so happy. "Do you know what this means?" I asked, "We can repopulate the Earth with wolves again!" I turned in a circle happily. "You're right. Come on, I'll show you the pack." Death and I walked into the den, I saw the two females curled up together and the other male laying down watching them. Death cleared his throat; the little pack looked at them and gasped. "Another wolf?" The male said with a surprised tone. I smiled slightly; Death nodded. "But not just a wolf, this here is the legend White Fang." He said. The male and the two females stood, "What!?" They all said together. I smiled, "Yes, I'm the legend White Fang." I said with a smile. The wolves looked at Death. "We've got the legend of the wolves. She should be the new leader sense she knows everything about the humans." The male said. "First of all, I am Shadow. The gray female is Scarlet, and the brown female is Dark fire. She's the pregnant one." Shadow said to me. I looked at the wolves, they all smiled at me.


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