White Fang's P.O.V - Everythings back to normal!

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Everything was changing for the better. I lived with the new wolf pack, the pups are finally grown, and running around. "White Fang!" Death said in a somewhat happy voice. "Yes?" I tilted my head looking at him. "Want to go on a hunt with me? Shadow is going to keep Scarlet and Dark Fire company while we're out. Is that okay with you if you come with me?" He said in a gentle voice. "Of course," I say smiling. I had to admit, I came to love Death. I really do; he's done everything to keep me happy. I am glad Mr. Rabbit showed me that I wasn't the last wolf on Earth. I am very glad Dark Fire had her puppies, now I can make them survive. I've been wanting my own puppies, but I don't think Death would want any. "Come on," Death said.


"Do you know a good hunting place?"

"Actually, yes I do. Follow me!"

I ran into a direction. Death followed behind, I can feel his gaze on me. I ran into a meadow, where deer and things were. "Whoa, there's enough food here to last us a while." Death whispered to me. I agreed; we crept close to one, when Death made a twig snap startling the deer and made them all run. I ran after one as fast as I could, "Separate it!" I heard Death behind me yell. I did, the deer ran away from the herd of deer. Death showed up on the side, he growled and snarled as he tried to bite the deer. It made a sharp turn, making us lose our shot to kill it. Death got really mad that he didn't get to kill it. "Calm down Death, hold on." I ran off, leaving him there. After a while I brought the deer back, dead. "How are you so good at hunting?" Death asked as we walked back to the pack. "I have my ways," I replied, "You must understand, I am White Fang you know, I can do pretty much anything." I added and smiled. "Right," Death said. We all sat down and began eating. I still missed my brothers Tobi and Black Moon, I knew they wouldn't be back. Them humans had ruined my life until now, they will continue to fear me. I got up and walked outside, into the darkness. I looked up at the night sky. "If it weren't for them humans, you guys would still be here, along with Death, Shadow, Scarlet, and Dark Fire and the rest." I whispered to myself. "White Fang?" I heard Death's voice from behind me, I looked at him. "Yeah?" I said. Death looked at me, "Why are you out here so late?" he asked.

"I'm just enjoying the night sky."

"Quite beautiful, right?"

"Indeed it is."

"White Fang?"


I looked at Death in the eyes. He looked back; "Were there other wolves with you?" he asked. "Yeah, but the humans took them all away from me."

"So, there were more white wolves like you?"

"No, I was the only white wolf in my old pack, I had two brothers, their fur were black like yours. Tobi and Black Moon were their names."

"Oh, so you were the only white wolf there?"

"Indeed I was, it was rare to have a white wolf in the pack. I was the first white wolf in that pack." I said. "Wow," Death said in amazement.

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