An Exhausted Adventurer

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It was five months after Link had saved hyrule, so he decided one day that he wanted to visit his dear friend, Sidon, the prince of the zoras in the zora domain. The day of him traveling had been very a stormy day, and Link had been out exploring for an excruciatingly long time in the massive storm. But then, he finally saw it. The zora domain. He walked down the large icy halls of the domain, barely managing to stay on his feet. Link's long golden locks were dripping from the rain, he had bumps, bruises, and cuts littering his body, and most of all, his muscles were aching and he was exhausted. Just then, in the domain, he saw Sidon.

"Link! Hello there, long time no see!" Sidon called out, walking over to the exhausted hylian. The brightness and joy in Sidon's yellow eyes quickly died down as he saw the state Link was in. "L-Link..." Sidon said softly, looking down at him. Only then to interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. "I'll get you out of this storm, then everything will be okay." He said. Just as Link was about to collapse, Sidon quickly grabbed him and cradled Link in his arms. Link lay limp in Sidon's arms as he quickly carried him back to his room.

Link woke up, he was in Sidon's room, wrapped up in a fuzzy white blanket on a chair in front of a large, crackling fire. Out of curiosity, Link looked around Sidon's room a bit, from where he was sitting he could see that the zora prince had a large bed with red sheets draped over them, a white carpet with a red rug, a large closet, and a bathroom. He then saw Sidon sitting beside him.

Sidon had been sitting beside the chair for the entire time Link was unconscious, which had been for hours, just patiently waiting for him to wake up. Sidon saw Link's blue eyes softly flutter open, and his face lit up, he gave a huge smile. "Link!" He cried happily, the zora felt his heart soar with joy. "You're awake!" He added, gently pulling Link into a hug.

Link couldn't help but smile too, he always found Sidon's smile charming and beautiful, he softly hugged him back. "We should get your wounds fixed up." Sidon then said to Link. "I can use water to clean the cuts and I have bandages, I'll be back in one second." Sidon said to Link before quickly walking away to the bathroom, where the bandages were.

Sidon quickly grabbed the bandages and got some water to help Link's wounds. "First I'll clean up the wounds on your legs." Sidon said, smiling at Link. The large zora kneeled in front of the chair, and rolled Link's pants up. He then got some of the water onto a small cotton ball, then very gently cleaned the open cuts and sores on Link's small legs. He then very carefully wound the bandages over the cuts, being as slow and gentle as possible. Sidon softly rolled Link's pants back down in silence. He then repeated this process for his arms, chest, and face. Finally he was done. "There, all better!" Sidon said in his usual enthusiastic tone. "I'll be here if you need anything else." Sidon said and stood up, he began to walk away. Even though Link was all fixed up now, he still felt like something was missing. He wanted to be comforted by the man he loved, Sidon, his dear friend.

Link reached out his arm, and grabbed Sidon's large hand. "Wait-" Link said, suddenly out of character. "Sidon." He said and looked up into the zora prince's soft yellow eyes.

"Yes?" Sidon asked, confused.

"I-I need-" Link said timidly. "I need you, Sidon." He said, his voice small and shaky.

Sidon's face burned, he blushed slightly. "Why of course." He said softly, with a tiny smile. "Anything for you, Link." He added. Sidon then softly picked Link up, and then sat down on the chair. He rested Link onto his lap and held him close. Link's head softly lay against Sidon's broad, muscular chest.

"Thank you, Sidon." Link whispered slightly. "This is exactly what I wanted."

Sidon wrapped his arms around Link's small frame and hugged him close. Gently, he stroked Link's soft golden hair, looking down at him lovingly, he kissed him on the head. "It's no problem, Link." He replied. "I love you." The words barely passed Sidon's lips, as they were nothing more than but a whisper.

Link closed his sky-blue eyes and snuggled closer to Sidon. "I love you too." He said sweetly, enjoying Sidon's presence. Those words that Link had returned to him made Sidon happier than words could describe, he loved Link dearly, even more than as a friend.

Sidon beamed from each side of his face, he cuddled Link gently in his arms, wanting this moment to last forever. Sidon then noticed how dark it was getting outside, realizing that Link and him would fall asleep soon. Sidon softly kissed Link on top of the head once more and quietly said, "Good night, hero. Sleep well."

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