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(Art for this chapter's cover is by: convenient-lamp on tumblr) -Rainy

"Where have you been!?" An old zora with blue scales at the entrance of the zora domain snarled, his yellow eyes narrowed at Sidon.

Sidon pursued his lips and hesitated to answer for a bit, looking at the ground. He nervously moved his gaze to the old zora's. "I was with Link, we were both swimming at the river." Sidon said, trying to work up as much courage as he could. He didn't want to give away that he was afraid in his tone.

"Well you're late for your studies! Perhaps instead of messing around with that hylian, you should put your duties and studies first." The cranky old zora scolded Sidon. "Go on now, you don't want to be any later." He added, shooing off the prince.

The blue-scaled zora then looked to Link, his expression bitter and his eyes glaring deep into Link's. "And you, don't distract Sidon from his work!" Link just respectfully nodded. The zora frowned, then stormed down the main walk area in the domain.

Link began to walk back up to Sidon's room which wasn't that far from the throne room, but he felt confused. Why was that old zora so cranky and frustrated at him and Sidon for the littlest of things? His harsh words still stuck in his mind, he was still puzzled about what had just happened.

Link opened the door to Sidon's room, then softly shut it behind him. He had wanted to explore out the domain and train, but he was too sore to do so. He couldn't risk opening his wounds up more, and he was exhausted from swimming, so he decided to himself that he would just rest.

Link quickly walked to the bathroom to tend to his wounds, taking off his boots, pants, tunic, and under shirt. He saw his bare, small frame in the mirror, looking at all the bandages. He carefully peeled off the cloth that concealed his wounds, it wasn't wet from swimming thankfully, as all bandages in the domain were waterproof.

After he was done removing the cloth, he threw away the blood-stained bandages into the trash. He then continued to delicately clean each wound, as Sidon had done two nights before.

Link had finished, throwing away the slightly damp cotton ball. He looked up and saw a small case with bandages in it inside of a cabinet, but it was too far for his reach. Link looked around the bathroom, he found a stool sitting under the sink. Link dragged the stool over until it was under the cabinet, stepping up onto it with his bare feet.

He went on his toes, then placing his hand on the cabinet knob. He opened up the small white cabinet and grabbed the case then stepped off of the stool.

He sat down on the stool and opened the case with a small click. In the case was a roll of the same cloth bandages and a pair of scissors. Link loosely dressed each wound, cutting off the excess cloth and throwing it into the trash. Finally, every wound was dressed and he was done. Link then put away the case and the stool and walked out of the bathroom.

Link stretched a bit and let out a loud yawn, he walked over to Sidon's bed, the fuzzy carpet felt nice under his bare feet. Link crawled into the bed that was much too large for him, he snuggled close into the warm blankets, enjoying the faint, familiar smell of Sidon they provided. Link closed his eyes, and quicker than ever, he fell asleep.

A few hours later, Sidon was done with all of his duties and studies. The zora prince entered his room loudly, not aware that Link was fast asleep. Sidon rubbed his eyes tiredly, exhausted from his studies. Link soon woke up, and sat up in bed quickly.

"Hello, Sidon." He greeted the large red-scaled zora.

"Hi, Link!" He smiled happily, despite how tired he was. "How have you been?" He asked enthusiastically.

"Good." Link said with a quick yawn. In his quiet voice he added, "I just cleaned up my wounds and fell asleep. Oh, and may I ask you a question?" Link then added, remembering the event that had happened earlier that day with the old zora.

Sidon shrugged. "Sure, ask away."

"Why was that old zora so cranky about the tiniest thing?" Link asked, feeling confused.

"Oh, you mean Roverin? That old zora is always cranky. He's always yelling at the younger zoras, and he always takes a chance to nag me." He replied. "Don't worry about it, he was more mad at me than you." Sidon added reassuringly as he started to join Link in bed

"Alright, thanks for clearing up my confusion." Link said, moving over to the zora prince, slowly wrapping his arms around him. Sidon gave a broad, bright smile at Link, his yellow gaze was affectionate as he looked at Link.

Sidon began to look at Link's face, he really looked at him. He studied the hylian's soft features lovingly, from his sky-blue eyes, long blond eyelashes, to his cheeks which were softly dusted pink, his perfect lips, and his messy golden locks that were strewn across part of his face.

Link looked back at Sidon with a soft smile. Without saying anything, Sidon quickly hugged him tight. "I love you so much." Sidon said softly in his smooth voice to Link. "I love you too, Sidon. More than anything else." Link replied, feeling his heart beat start to pick up speed. Link softly kissed Sidon on the cheek.

Sidon closed his eyes and began to slowly fall asleep. Link smiled a bit, as they held each other Link said in a soft voice: "Goodnight, Sidon. Sleep well."

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