How Time Flies

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(The drawing on this cover was made by simrell.) -Rainy

It had been several months since Link had first arrived to the zora domain, and he still stayed there. This was because of how attached he had grown to the prince of the zoras, Sidon, and the domain itself. Occasionally, Link had to leave to escort Princess Zelda when she needed him. Link always obeyed and left when he was needed, sometimes the escort took days. Before, he was too wounded to escort the princess, but by now, his once gaping wounds were sealed scars.

Link had been very happy with how life was going, he could spend time with his best friend and lover Sidon, he could still train right out of the domain, and he could still escort Zelda to wherever she needed to go. Everything seemed perfect, despite the old zora, Roverin who seemed to grow more bitter to Link everyday. Roverin had even gotten to the point where he blamed Link every time Sidon was late to his studies. Roverin clearly didn't approve of Link and Sidon being friends, but thankfully though the old zora had no idea about their love life. Roverin had even insulted Link for how he was a hylian, saying that if Link was a zora he'd understand more about how important Sidon's studies were.

This didn't really bother Link, he just decided to not take his harsh insults too seriously. Sidon, however, did not appreciate this at all, but of course, Sidon never talked back to the old zora.

Sidon and Link had of course grown closer during these months too. Link had begun to talk to Sidon more, this was because he truly trusted him. Link showed a different behavior to Sidon than he did to anyone else. Link always acted soft and cuddly to Sidon when they were alone, no one would have thought that of Link. No one would ever guess that Link, the intimating, strong, and silent hero could ever have feelings for someone. Only Sidon knew.

Of course though, because of Link's busy schedule of training and escorting, he had to depart from Sidon quite frequently. Sidon always felt lonely when Link was away, but the zora prince never made it obvious. The loneliness made him feel so empty though, some nights he just wanted to cuddle up close to Link and tell him how much he loved him. Link was usually out escorting Zelda for days, and some nights when he came back to the domain he was too exhausted to cuddle. Sidon just wished sometimes that he could spend more time with Link.


Link had just arrived to Sidon's room in the palace quarters, feeling very tired. He had just escorted Princess Zelda to Gerudo Town so she could have a meeting with Riju. The journey was pretty long, about one and a half days by horseback just to get there. It took another one day and a half to return.

By this time Link was just happy that he could rest. Link sat down on the arm chair in front of the fire place and took off his boots, gear, and tunic until he was in his soft under clothes. Link yawned a bit and softly rubbed his eyes.

Just as Link was getting ready for bed, Sidon walked in through the door. "Hello, Link! You're finally here." He flashed a broad, toothy smile. "How was escorting Princess Zelda?" He asked curiously.

Link smiled back at him. "It went well, I suppose. There weren't that many monsters, but it was very hot." He replied.

Sidon walked over to Link, he knelt down on one knee and hugged him close. "I'm glad you're here safe." He said happily.

Link wrapped his arms around the back of Sidon's strong neck and hugged him back. "I missed you." He said softly.

Sidon blushed a bit and stood up, holding Link. "Aww, you did?" He smiled. "You're so adorable, Link. I love you. You're incredible, have I ever told you that?" He looked deep into Link's blue eyes.

Link giggled a bit, which Sidon found to be the cutest sound ever. "Yes, you've told me. You've told me quite a lot, actually." He replied and softly kissed Sidon on the cheek.
Sidon just smiled down at him as he cradled him close in his arms, just enjoying the moment. Link opened his mouth and gave a big yawn. Sidon chuckled a bit, "Sleepy?" He asked Link.

Link looked at him with his blue eyes, which were droopy due to how tired he was. He nodded a bit. "Alright then." Sidon smiled. "Let's get you into bed." Sidon walked over to his large bed, he lifted up the sheets and gently lay Link down into them. He tucked the thick blankets over Link's small body, then kissed him on the forehead. "Sleep well, my love." Sidon cooed sweetly before removing his armor to join Link in bed as well.

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