(Part 4) Fun And Games...

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Ellis's P.O.V:

Taylor and I didn't really leave, we just stood outside her door. Like the creeps we are. (Lol sorry I'm not sorry guys) We heard little giggles from the other side of the door. I opened the door, just a bit. Neither of 'em noticed. Reagan said "Follow me." She got up and grabbed him. Maybe she noticed.

James's P.O.V:

[Before Ellis opened the door]

James: "I think... I think Taylor is a great match for Ellis!"

She looked at me, she seemed to be confused.

Reagan: "That's not crazy."
James: "If Ellis gets a girlfriend, yeah, that's crazy."
Reagan: *giggle*

Reagans P.O.V:

My apartment door opened a tad. I saw Ellis and Taylor at the door. I stood up and grabbed James's hand, pulled him up and dragged him into to my room.

James: "Where are we going?"

I opened the door to my room and pulled him in, shutting the door behind him.

James: *blushes* "W-what are we doing?"
Reagan: "We're pranking Taylor and Ellis."
James: *covers his blush* "O-okay! I'll play along. What kind of prank?"
Reagan: "To start off..." *yells out* "James, I-I can't hold back... I need you!"

Taylor's P.O.V:

Ellis walked in, as I did after him.

Taylor: "This isn't a good idea, Ellis."
Ellis: "Shh..." *puts ear to Reagans bed room door.*

I hear Reagan yell out.

Reagan: "James, I-I can't hold back... I need you!"

He responded with.

James: "I-I've never done this before..."

I blushed intensely. My nose started to bleed. I quickly wipe the blood away. I hear the springs of Reagan's bed they squeak loudly and continuously.

Taylor: "A-are they!?" *continues to blush*
Ellis: "I-I think so!" *is blushing*

Loud moans can be heard from the other side of the door. As James yells...

James: "Y-you're so good at this!"
Reagan: "I can do a lot better~"

James's P.O.V:

When Reagan pulled me in her room, I had expected... Well a different outcome... She had asked me to get on my knees and jump on her bed moaning her name, as she did mine. She asked me to give her my jacket.

Reagan: *fake pant* "Okay... let me change, give me your jacket."
James: *fake pant* "O-okay..."

I handed her my jacket...

Reagan: *whispers* "Look away..."
James: "O-okay..."

I hear her shirt fall to the floor, I look towards her, just a bit. She was wearing a lacy lilac bra. I blush and quickly look away.

Reagan: "Take off your shirt, and make yourself look tired."

I did as I was told. She messed up her hair and opens her room door. Ellis and Taylor were sitting on her white leather couch. Looking down at the floor. She whispered in my ear "act surprised."

Reagan: *Looks at then in shock* "W-what are you two doing back here?! I thought you left!"
Ellis: "S-sorry..."
James: "I'm sorry Reagan... if I knew they were coming back, I would never had suggested that..."
Taylor: "I'm s-sure you two h-had f-fun..."

Reagan couldn't hold back her laughter anymore, she began to laugh, uncontrollably.

Reagan: "Really? I just met him. You two really think we would do that? I knew you were here."
Ellis: "S-sorry..."
Reagan: "Don't be, just don't do it again. Who know, I might actually be doing someone in there." *giggle*
Taylor: "I. Hate. You."
Reagan: "No, you love me."
Taylor: "I-I told Ellis we should have left!"
Ellis: "Hey! You stuck around."

All I could do was laugh. Until an Girl with short brown hair and the same colour eyes as Reagan, came crashing through the door.

Unknown: "I'm back bitches!"

Taylor and Reagan ran up to her, yelling her name. "Alexandra!"

End of chapter 4...
Fun and games...

Follow my friend kenzie_- she's new too Wattpad. Also go read This Is Us by tayabelle_

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