November 5, 2016

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Lorelai was standing in Miss Patty's dance school in her white gown. She stared at her reflection and smiled. She was about to become Mrs. Lorelai Danes, but this time in front of the whole town.

"Oh honey, you look absolutely divine. Luke is a lucky man." said Missy Patty.

"Thanks, Miss Patty, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world!"

"Are you ready for the biggest wedding of the century?"

Lorelai took a deep breath and nodded. Nobody knew about her and Luke's secret wedding, but she was still nervous. She took another deep breath and heard the beginning of Here Comes the Bride start to play.

Lorelai rounded the corner and found her mother standing there.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I'd not walk my only daughter down the aisle at her wedding, did you? I wish your father were here, but this'll do."

"Mom, I'm so touched."

"Lorelai, this has been a tough year for all of us, but I can honestly say today has been the happiest I've felt in a long time. I can see that you are truly happy and Luke has proven himself to be an outstanding gentleman and acceptably suitor for my only daughter. Here's to you, Lorelai. You ready?"

Lorelai tried to hold back tears, but couldn't. She knew how hard that must have been for her mother and was forever grateful that she came to walk her down the aisle. The Gilmores hug and smiled at each other and made their way to the altar.


Luke was beyond nervous. He had no reason to be since they were already married, but he had been standing at the altar for quite some time. He hoped Lorelai was okay. He didn't know if it normally took this long for the bride-to-be to come down the aisle.

Jess noticed his uncle was getting uneasy. Luke was a hard man to read and didn't communicate well, but he learned more about his quirks and social signals when he lived with him many moons ago. Jess rubbed and patted his uncle's back to reassure him things are fine. Luke turned around and nodded at his nephew, acknowledging the kind gesture. Luke whipped his head around when he heard Here Comes the Bride to find his beautiful wife making her way down the aisle. Tears started to form in his eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on.


Emily kissed her daughter on the cheek and let go of her arm, allowing her to join Jess, Rory, and Luke at the altar.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." Reverend Skinner began.

The crowd watched in awe as the town lovebirds they've known for years finally became one.

Luke and Lorelai kept their eyes locked on each other the whole time. They were both lucky to have each other and a second ceremony.

"Ahem, Mr. Danes, your vows?" asked Reverend Skinner a second time.

"Oh sorry, I've got them right here."

"I thought we agreed on no creepy vows." Lorelai said.

Luke smiled knowing this was the best secret he kept from Lorelai. Her jaw dropped in shock as Luke began to recite his vows.

"Lorelai Victoria Gilmore, the girl of my dreams. When you first walked into my diner was the day my life changed for the better. I met the woman of my wildest dreams and she's now my beautiful, loving wife. You were right, if I kept that horoscope you handed me when we first met, it would bring me luck. It brought me you and I'm forever grateful to have you in my life, Lorelai, and I will love and cherish every moment we share together. You complete me, you are the better half of me, and I wouldn't trade my life with you for anything else in the world."

Lorelai cried and nodded at Luke. She couldn't believe how beautifully written his vows were. He was the grumpiest man she ever met, yet here he was pouring his heart out in front of the people of Stars Hollow. Many of which were also crying. Luke was never the same and rarely happy after his dad died, but Lorelai changed him. She brought back the twinkle in his eyes and the whole town saw it.

The town watched them go through two breakups, and even watched Lorelai marry Christopher. They knew he wasn't right for her and when it didn't last they had hope for her and Luke to reconcile. When it happened, everyone was overjoyed and now they were getting married. It was a long time coming, but worth the wait.

"Luke, I love you so much and those vows were the best I could ever ask for. I, myself, wrote vows that I'd like to share with you."

"What happened to no creepy vows?" Luke joked.

Lorelai smiled at her husband, and playfully hit his arm. "Lucas Danes, when I moved to Stars Hollow with my newborn baby, you were one of the few friends I made. You were grumpy, but you brewed the best coffee so I couldn't stay away. We got closer and closer so quickly and that's when I saw there's a kindhearted side to you, one that most people didn't get to see. When I needed help or Rory, you dropped everything in a heartbeat. You were there for both of us when we needed you most. You were always considered part of the family with me and Rory, and when I stand in front of you today I'm overjoyed to welcome you into the family, where you always belonged. I love you more than words can describe, and I'm eager to see where life takes us. Wherever it takes us, I will be by your side forever, and loving every moment of being Mrs. Luke Danes. You are a dream come true, and I love you, Luke."

Reverend Skinner wiped his tears away and said, "I now pronounce husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Luke and Lorelai shared the most passionate kiss they ever had and all of their anxiety and worries melted away.

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