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G R A N N Y - Y E L L

I couldn't believe it.

I the span of a mere few hours, everyone I loved, except for Add-Yell, of course, was dead. It was as if one minute, Bree-Yawn, Claw-Debt, Jenna-Pher and Swan-Pull were here, playing Pictionary in the living room, but the next, all I could see was the flat line on my mother's heart monitor.

It was her dying wish that had confused me the most. She had told me to go to the apartment complex owned by my grandmother, yet I knew that my paternal grandmother, the only grandmother I had ever known, had died three years ago.

It had always confused me growing up that I only had one set of grandparents, the mother and father of my dad, Swan-Pull Allardio, whereas most children my age had two sets of grandparents. After confronting my parents on this subject, they had simply told me that my maternal grandparents were not going to be present in my life.This alone left me confused, but I never did question it. After all, Jenna-Pher and Swan-Pull had always known best.

It was times like these that I wished I had questioned more in my early life, for maybe I could have answers to the questions in which I'm left pondering alone. I'm left alone with my best friend, Add-Yell trying to figure out how we're going to escape Child Protective Services and run away to see my maternal grandmother, as my mother had told me to do.

Her dying wish didn't make much sense to me, but it was all she ever asked of me before she died. I had to fulfil my promise to her. I couldn't let her down, I had already done that enough while she was still alive.

"Do we go home?" Add-Yell asked me from beside me on the grass behind the local Walmart.

"What even is home anymore?" I asked her, looking straight ahead and sipping my chocolate milkshake from McDonald's, "We have no family, Add. Do we go to your house? Do we go to mine? We're all each ther has left, we're not splitting up."

Add-Yell nodded slowly, watching the cars pass on the busy streets of Pembroke, "Here's what we're gonna do, Granny," She started, turning towards me and taking a breath, "we find your grandmother. We have the address, all we have to do is get there. She's the only family we have anymore, plus, it's you mother's dying wish."

I sucked in a breath, puffing my cheeks out slightly, "You're right," I told her for the first time in my life, "but how will we get there? I didn't look at the address for long, but I don't even think the city is around here."

"We'll figure it out," Add-Yell told me, cocking her head slightly, "but let's go back to your place for now. I think your room is bigger."

The sides of my lips quirked up slightly, "Let's just walk back from here, it's not too far." I told her, still smiling faintly.

Add-Yell looked at me with a distraught expression, opening and closing her mouth as if she were a fish, "Granny-Yell?" She asked cautiously, stopping on the sidewalk and letting her body drop. She curled up into a ball and started to sob in the middle of the sidewalk, drawing strange glances from residents of our quaint community.

"Add-Yell!" I shouted in a panicked voice. What had happened, she had been fine a minute ago! "What's wrong, Addy?"

She continued to let intense sobs wrack her grotesque body, shaking all over the sidewalk and resembling me when I listen to Non-Stop. I waited patiently for her to calm down, giving her a total of six sympathetic pats on the back, it seemed that she needed them.

"Granny-Yell!" She cried up towards the sky, "Our family is gone! We are all alone in this world with no one to protect us!"

I felt a single tear fall out of my eyeball, yet I forced myself to remain strong, I knew that was what my parents would have wanted. After all, we couldn't have two people sobbing in the streets, and Add-Yell seemed to have taken up that role.

I kept patting her on the back, surely surpassing the healthy amount of sympathetic pats for the average human, but Add-Yell had just lost her parents. When calm overtook her and she began to have a normal breathing pattern, Add-Yell regarded me with a look of appreciation in regards to my unwavering calmness during her breakdown.

"I'm really sorry, Granny-Yell," She says ashamedly, wiping the remnants of her tears onto the sleeve of the sweatshirt, "I don't know what overtook me."

I smiled sympathetically, kneeling down next to her, "You don't have to apologise, Add-Yell," I tell her, patting her back three times, which was sufficient since she had already received a multitude of pats, "you're suffering a great loss, we both are. We're bound to break down at some point."

She looked up at me with a strange expression, "Why do you sound like a therapist?"

I smiled grimly, squeezing her shoulder slightly, "Because I'm quoting my therapist," I told her, my grim expression breaking into a grin when I saw her smile slightly, "I didn't know if you'd notice. I was hoping you wouldn't, actually."

I stood, stretching out my hand towards her. Add-Yell grabbed it smiling, pulling herself up from the paved sidewalk.

"Let's head back to your place and figure it out from there," Add-Yell told me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

I nodded at her with confidence, "We'll figure it out, Addy," I said, straightening my posture in attempt to maintain the strength that was expected of me, "we always do."

So we returned back to my home like that, planning our escape until our eyes began to burn from all the tears we had cried.


a/n: it took adele a week and five days to write her chapter but it took me like seven hours???

hope you keep reading this shit, but if you don't i completely understand. please keep reading lin will come in soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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