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I slipped on my heals, and graoned. Cal had to invite me to his friends birthday party. Suprisingly, I was told to dress nice. Cal and his friends aren't exactly what I call smart. They cover themselves in tattoos, and pierce their skin. I personal don't like it, but what they do is there choice. If they are ready to make a life long commitment, let them.

"Hurry up!" yelled Cal. I sighed, and walked down stairs. "You took long enough," he complained.

"You told me look nice," I said, walking by, and ruffling his hair.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he muttered, fixing his hair. We got into the car, and he immediately blasted his music. I didn't mind it, but it wasn't my style. He sang along to the music, banging his head on occasion. I laughed, and watched him rock out to his music. "Join me, Gray!" Cal yelled. I laughed, and rolled my eyes at him. "Suit yourself!"

When we got to the house, Cal jumped out of the car, obviously excited. "Slow down, hot shot," I said.

He laughed, but his smile faded. I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Try and be social?" he asked.

"Cal, you kn-"

"I know, I know. Just try. I invited you to come for a reason. Please," he begged.

"Alright," I said, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to be honoring my word. We walked into the house, or I should say mansion. Music blasted, people talking, and drinking. Some one came over, and man hugged Cal. The man offered me a drink, but I declined. "I don't drink, but thanks," I said.

The man laughed. "You come to a party, but you don't drink? Well I'll be damned." I looked over at Cal, who was laughing. Odd friends he has.

"Well if it isn't the gray eyed beauty!" some one called. I smiled, and turned around.

"Alan!" I squealed, and ran over, jumping into his arms. My legs around his torso, his arms around my waist holding me up. "I missed you!"

"Missed you, too," he whispered, kissing my cheek. I felt some one's eyes boring into me. I coughed, and got down from Alan's grip. "Dude!" he yelled at Cal. They hugged, and then Cal left. I still felt eyes boring into me, as if they were trying to burn a hole through me. "Austin!" Alan yelled. I felt the eyes leave me. A tall, lengthy man walked over. His brown hair nicely spiked. He wore a cologne that I knew I would never forget. "Gray, this is Austin. He's the lead vocalist in the band," Alan introduced. "Austin this is Gray, my cousin."

Austin towered over me. I look up his arm, covered in tattoos. 'MOM' written through an actual heart. My eyes trailed to his chest. I could only see pieces of his tattoos. My eyes trailed farther upwards. Roman numerals, a rose, and a woman on his neck. He had a nose piercing. I finally looked up, and met his gaze. He had been looking at me, too. His warm, brown eyes made my knees weak, but I made sure not to show it. I had never been attracted to a friend of Cal's, but something about Austin made my stomach turn.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hi," I answered ever so softly. Alan kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear, "Have fun." But I jept eye contact with Austin. I didn't know why, but I felt like I couldn't look away. My hands began to shake, and I broke eye contact. There are so many people here. Austin is still looking at me, I can tell. My breath grew heavy.

"Hey, are you alright?" Austin asked. I didn't answer; I couldn't. My voice wouldn't come to me. I covered my face with my hands. "Gray?" he asked. I still couldn't answer. I let out a wimper, and I began to sweat. Then, I fell. "Gray!" he screamed. "Alan!" he yelled, kneeling at my side. I put my hands down. They were shaking a lot more now. I need Cal. He knows what to do. "Sh," Austin said, pushing back my hair, but it only made me more nervous. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Austin pulled his hand away, and shot up. "Alan! Cal!" Everything went silent. So many people looking at me.

Cal ran over, and kneeled next to me, holding me in his arms. "Do you have a room we could use?" Alan asked Austin. He nodded, and Cal picked me up. I began to cry. Cal followed Austin into a room, Alan close behind. Cal set me down on the bed. "I'll be back, baby girl," he told me. I didn't react at all. He left the room, and Alan sat next to me. He strocked my hair, and sang to me softly. He was terrible, but it always helped. I began to calm down. Alan wasn't just my cousin, he was my best friend, next to my brother.

"Alan," I whispered. "There were so many."

"I know, but you're alright. It's all gone," he told me. I nodded. "Is that the only thing that made you nervous?" Alan asked after a moment of silence.

I shook my head. "He was looking at me with those eyes," I whispered.

"Austin won't hurt you," he told me.

"He's so tall," I whispered, my hands beginning to shake again.

"Sh. Don't let it get to you again," Alan told me. I nodded. I can't let my anxiety control me, but that's exactly what it's doing. God, I hate myself.

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