Chapter 7 - Meeting prince Seungho

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Jessica walked down the streets with her arms crossed. Her eyes glaring as she looked straight ahead. “ Stupid Kim Ki Bum!”  She hissed in annoyance. Jessica bit her lower lip as she recalled back what she had heard him say back in his condo. ‘ So what if I’m a princess? At least I’m more real than that Yoona girl. At least I’m trying to adapt to this lifestyle. If you dislike me that much then just tell me to leave. I can just find some other place to stay at.’ Jessica thought angrily. “ Jessica Jung.”  Jessica heard a low voice say. She thought it was one of the boys, However once she turned around, confusion was written all over her face. Jessica saw a black limousine parking a few centimetres behind her on the road while she was standing on the path. She saw a young man leaning against the limousine door coolly. “ Uh, may I help you?”  Jessica arched a brow, not daring to walk towards the stranger.

The young man then walked closer to Jessica and made a royal bow to Jessica. “It’s a pleasure in finally meeting you, Princess Jessica.” He held onto her hand and kissed the back of it gently. Jessica pulled her hand away from him. “ Who are you?” She couldn’t see the man’s face properly.

“Princess Jessica. I’m Prince Seungho.” Jessica’s eyes widen. The man in front of her was no other than Prince Seungho. She took one step away from him, not wanting to have anything to do with him. “ I’m not going marrying you. My three months isn’t over yet. You’re not my future husband.”  Jessica said firmly, her anger was already boiling from before. Seungho smirked as he took a step closer again. “I see you are having difficulties now. Let me help you.” Seungho attempted to hold her hand however, Jessica once again pulled away. “I’m not a fool, The second I accept your help, I’ll lose. Then I’ll have to marry you.” Jessica crossed her arms as she stared back intensively at him. Seungho still kept his smile on. “ You seemed pretty upset when you ran out of the filthy apartment.” Seungho began. Jessica raised an eyebrow. “ You’re spying on me?”

Seungho replied coolly. “ I just wanted to see where was the precious princess living at.” Jessica slightly scoffed at his comment. “ I feel bad for you, You are a princess. How can you stay in those dirty places. Why don’t you come with me? I just bought a penthouse today. I can let you stay there and not let King Jung know.”  He tried to convince her. “ I thought you’re staying at the mansion as a guest.”  Jessica pointed out. “ How’d you know?”  Seungho asked, getting suspicious. “ Uh, I read it on the newspaper today.”  Jessica lied and Seungho fell for it. “ Yes, I am straying at your mansion. But I know you’re suffering out here therefore I had bought a penthouse here just for you.”  He smiled, trying to make Jessica fall for him. “ Why are you helping me? Aren’t you the one that wants me to marry you?”  Jessica asked, curious on why he was helping her. Seungho walked closer to Jessica to the point her breath was tickling his skin. “I know it’s my fault that you have to be out here for 3 months, therefore the least I can do I help you.” Jessica’s almond eyes was staring back at Seungho. Jessica bit her lower lip as she began to think deeply.

“My limousine is always welcoming you.” Seungho stepped away from Jessica as he pointed to his limousine. Everything was sucking Jessica in. The limousine and the penthouse. And on top of that, Jessica knew Key disliked her presence, therefore she wanted to stay away from Key. “ I will hire maids for you as well.” Seungho added. Jessica inhaled deeply before speaking. “ Are you really not going to tell appa?”  She asked, wanting to make sure. Seungho nodded with a smile. He knew she was giving in. After all, all the luxury things belongs to a princess.

Jessica then slowly nodded. “ Okay.” Because of her innocent self, Jessica accepted the offer. Seungho smirked, knowing that he had won the first round. Make Jessica move into his penthouse. ‘ Now, the next step is to make you fall for me’  Seungho thought with a sly smirk.

The Life Of A Princess [fanfic] - COMPLETE! :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon