Chapter 17 - Taecyeon's gang

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Key went to work after giving Jessica a goodbye kiss. While walking down to the bus stop, his mind was full of thoughts. Eventually it caused him to get frustrated. Key slid into the window seat once he got onto the bus. He rested his head gently on the side while looking out.

Biting his lips, He couldn’t help but fear of something bad happening. “Aish, Kim Kibum. Stop thinking about it.” He mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair. “I.. mean… nothing really bad will happen, Right?” He asked himself silently. He then heaved out a heavy sigh. As if on cue, His phone went off. He took out his phone from his pocket. It was Yoona calling him. “Hey, Yoona. I’m on my way to work now.” He spoke. Yoona made a slight giggle on the other line. “Oppa, How are you? Did anything happen?” She asked after a few seconds. Key sighed before answering, he knew what her question meant. “Yoona, Should I believe in the fortune teller?”

On the other line, Yoona was smirking to herself. “Oppa, I don’t know. But maybe you should just be more careful.” Yoona advised him sweetly. Key nodded even though she couldn’t see it. “I mean you two are dating now, You’re hardly going to leave her, right?” Yoona asked, pretending to not be interested in his answered. Key hesitated before answering. “I love her, Yoona.” His reply was more of an statement than an answer, It made Yoona angry. His statement was not what Yoona was expecting. “But oppa, How are you going to stay with her forever? What are you going to do about the King then?” She asked, once again acting that she was concerned. Key let out a long sigh. “I don’t know Yoona, But even if something bad happen. I won’t leave her, As long as I know that she loves me back then everything will be fine.”

Yoona was boiling up by the minute. His words were not calming her. “Yoona, I’m just 10 minutes away, I’ll talk to you then. Bye.” Key then hung up as he had no mood to continue on with the conversation.

Meanwhile, Yoona was standing behind the bar in her restaurant. She was so angry that she threw a glass cup over the counter, luckily no customers were there yet as the restaurant was not opened yet. However, Poor Nicole had to clean up the smashed glass. Yoona angrily walked into the ladies restroom. She looked into the mirror and she knew she looked angry. Her face was almost red, caused by the anger inside her. “Ugh! Stupid princess!” She groaned, she wanted to shout but she didn’t want the people outside hear her. “Why can’t you find some other prince and leave my Key alone!” She stomped her feet, once again holding in her anger as much as she can.

“What should I do to make him believe in Sulli’s words?” She asked herself while folding her arms. She looked at her reflection again while thinking. “Something bad..” She mumbled. “Yoona unnie, Key oppa is here now.” Nicole came into the restroom and informed her boss. Yoona gave Nicole a brief nod, Nicole then went back out; slightly scared by Yoona’s anger. Yoona quickly fixed herself up before exiting the restroom. “Good morning oppa.” Yoona smiled sweetly at Key. Key returned back a smile not knowing what was behind that sweet smile. Yoona quietly walked into the kitchen where the chefs were getting everything ready. She quietly walked to the back then took out her phone from her pocket. She smiled happily to herself once the person on the other line answered. “Taec oppa, I need you and your gang’s help.” She whispered to her phone. The man named Taecyeon listened with curiosity. “My gang too? Yoona, you know my gang is nothing but good right? What help do you need from us?”

Yoona smirked before answering. “I want you to pretend to kidnap someone for me. Don’t hurt the person though, I just want you to scare him.” “Why?” Yoona then explained her evil plan to him.

Meanwhile, Jessica was having an early lunch with Minho and Jonghyun. “Jessica ah, Umma told me to give you this.” Minho handed Jessica a piece of paper that was folded neatly. Jessica unfolded the piece of paper with curiosity. She read it out so Jonghyun and Minho could hear it.

The Life Of A Princess [fanfic] - COMPLETE! :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon