Chapter 5 - Sushi

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Jessica unwillingly followed Key, who was walking up to Yoona. Yoona was standing by the counter bar, her expression ‘concerned’.  Once Jessica was standing in front of Yoona, she didn’t look at Yoona. She didn’t want to. Key noticed her behaviour. “Jessica.” Key elbowed her lightly. “I’m sorry, Bom unnie, Nicole, Kyuhyun shi, Onew shi.” Jessica bowed apologetically to her co-workers. Nicole and Bom assured her with a warming smile and a gentle pat on the back. While Kyuhyun and Onew just nodded their heads and gave Jessica a comforting smile. Key then cleared his throat, reminding her to apologize to Yoona too. Jessica frowned, ignoring Key's hints.

“Apologize to Yoona too.” Key nudged her once again. Jessica heaved out a heavy sigh. Once she opened her mouth, Yoona spoke sweetly. “I forgive you, Jessica.” Jessica looked up at Yoona who was smiling sweetly at her. She wanted to slap that face of hers, but she couldn’t.  “Jessica you should learn your manners from Yoona.” Key said. Jessica secretly glared at him when he wasn’t looking. “Well we should all continue on working now.” Yoona clapped her hands lightly as everyone got back to their tasks. Jessica walked behind the counter bar with Kyuhyun. “ Are you okay now?” He asked, concerned about her. Jessica nodded tiredly. She then followed the drink orders that was given to her and continued on making the drinks along with Kyuhyun’s help.

Minutes later, Yoona went behind the counter bar and gave Jessica a new task to do. “Jessica ah, can you go to the kitchen and put the dishes for delivery into the delivery box? You just have to put them in the silver box.” Yoona asked nicely, standing beside Jessica. Jessica scrunched her nose at the thought of being stuck in the kitchen with people she didn’t know and the amount oil surrounding her.

She had went to the kitchen earlier on when Mr. Im was introducing the chefs to her, Jessica remembered how the kitchen was. It wasn’t super clean, actually it wasn’t clean enough to be a kitchen of a restaurant. Also the lines between the white tiles were filthy, Jessica shivered once she remembered how the tiles looked it. “Can you?” Yoona spoke again after not getting a response from Jessica. Jessica looked at Kyuhyun with pleading eyes. “Jessica ah, Can you do this for me? I’ll go in and do the delivery orders.” Kyuhyun smiled. “But Kyuhyun oppa, You should let Jessica do it. It will give her more experience.” Yoona said, smiling beautifully. Jessica shot Yoona a glare which Kyuhyun couldn’t see, then walked into the kitchen unwillingly. With heavy steps, Jessica pushed the door opened and stepped into the kitchen.

Even though she was the princess, She bowed to everyone respectfully. “Yoona shii told me to come in and handle the delivery orders.” She said politely to a young man that was in charge of cleaning the dishes. “Ah, Yes. All the orders are already on the plate. You just have to seal it and put it in the silver box so it’ll ready to be delivered.”

Jessica nodded as she thanked him with a smile. Jessica then walked over to the table that was seen at the centre of the large kitchen. There was silver metal boxes beneath the table. Jessica picked up the medium sized silver delivery box and placed it on top of the table. Seconds later, the chefs had already placed random dishes on the table for Jessica to arrange. “Ugh, stupid Yoona.” She muttered, complaining quietly. She harshly slid opened the box and followed the order receipt.  “Order 56, one spicy kimchi with rice and one jajangmyun.” She read the order. She looked to see if the dishes were done. While successfully completing one delivery box, Jessica yelped in shock when the small amount oil had splat onto her arm. The stove beside her was cooking and the food was sizzling with the oil. The chef immediately put down his spatula and apologized for adding too much oil onto the saucepan.

“I’m really sorry, Princess Jessica. I’m really sorry.” The chef apologized numerous time. “Gwenchana, I’m fine.” Jessica assured him even though the spot where the oil had hit her was already seen red. “Do you want me to get you some cream for it?”

The Life Of A Princess [fanfic] - COMPLETE! :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon