Chapter 29

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The palace was in an uproar. The day for Odin to announce which of his sons would be his heir was getting closer and closer and he still had not informed Thor or Loki of his decision.

Maryn had been keeping her distance from her husband. He had become morose ever since the feast, taking to drinking Asgardian wine as he sat staring at nothing in their rooms, or disappearing for hours on end only to return exhausted and still sullen.

Fenrir stayed by his mistress's side, sensing her anxiety and fulfilling his master's command to protect her.

It wasn't until two weeks before the official announcement and ceremony that Odin called his sons to a private meeting with their mother.

"My lady," Tora ran towards Maryn where she was relaxing in the gardens, Fenrir's large head in her lap, the princess's eyes on the cloud of butterflies populating the gardens and flitting from flower to flower with fluttering grace.

"Tora, what has happened?" Maryn stood, brushing dust from her sleeveless, green, velvet gown with its gold band around the waist.

Her lady caught her hands, her face serious, "The Allfather has asked for Prince Thor and Prince Loki to meet with him and the Allmother in their audience chambers. They are there now."

Heart starting to pound in worry and hope, Maryn nodded and put her hand to Fenrir's head, transporting him, Tora and herself to the large gilt doors outside the audience chambers. Once there she allowed Tora to slip away but her wolf stayed at her side as she waited for news on who would be crowned Asgard's next ruler. Pacing, she wrung her hands, her magic rising and falling within her like waves. Knowing she could do nothing but wait Maryn chewed her lip anxiously and only managed to stand still when Fenrir butted his head against her hip begging her to ruffle his ears.

She was brought out of her thoughts at the sound of the doors to the Allfather and Allmother's audience chambers opening. Lifting her gaze she watched with a heavy heart as Loki strode out of them, his face a blank mask but his eyes stony. She watched him stalk down the hallway and disappear around a corner but before she could make a move to follow him, two muscle-thick arms banded around her waist, and she was lifted off her feet in an enthusiastic bear hug by her brother-in-law. She couldn't help but smile as he spun her around once and then put her down on her feet, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Are you happy for me, sister?" Thor asked with a wide grin, his large hands engulfing her shoulders.

Mustering up a small smile Maryn nodded, "Of course I am, Thor. But I must also show my support for your overlooked brother."

With a good-natured eye roll, the blond God of Thunder folded his arms over his wide chest, "Loki should know he cannot expect to receive all of life's blessings. A pretty little wife will cheer him, but who would have comforted me if I had not been chosen?"

Remembering the giggles of the crowd of court women that always seemed to follow Thor around like colourful tittering birds, Maryn raised an eyebrow, "I believe wholeheartedly, that you would have been mollified by the women who always seem to follow you around court, dearest brother. Not that the loss of the crown would have been felt as keenly by you as it is by Loki."

Thor feigned a hurt look and put a hand to his heart, "You wound me, Maryn; losing the crown would have been a heavy blow."

Mimicking his stance from a few moments before, Maryn crossed her arms over her chest, "Enjoy the hours upon hours of mind-numbing council meetings and court appearances, my lord."

The smile faded from the boisterous god's face and he narrowed his eyes at her, "Your jest is unkind, sister."

Tilting her head to the side Maryn grinned with a teasingly dark glint in her eyes, "Jest, Thor? This is no jest, you are to become ruler of the Aesir and one of the most powerful worlds in the universe. What do you believe the Allfather does to fill his days, take hunting parties out into the forest for hours on end perhaps, or make wagers on who will drink the most beer? This is serious, Thor, you are the future king of Asgard."
The blond prince was silent for a few moments before he grinned, pulled Maryn into another hug and then let her go with a chuckle, "You worry for naught, sister." With another booming laugh, he kissed her cheek once more and then left her standing in the hall as he strode off in search of his friends and a few mugs of ale if his loud call for a servant to bring him a celebratory drink was anything to go by.

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