Chapter 2

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Slowly golden light filtered into her nightmares and dragged her into the waking world. With a soft gasp, Maryn opened her eyes to a room filled with light and soft yellow and white flowing curtains, delicate furniture and a darkly handsome prince sitting amongst it all, his eyes devouring the book in his hands. Pushing herself into a seated position against the softest pillows imaginable, the petite princess looked him over. He was wearing black leather breeches, a green linen shirt open at the neck, a black sleeveless leather jerkin and heavy leather boots. Slicked back coal black hair that reached his collar and pale skin all made this man look both appealing and somehow out of place in this room of light and femininity.

"It is impolite to stare." His voice was both deep and velvet smooth and had Maryn wary of what his motives were.

"Why are you here?" She asked point blank and without any of the courtesies society expected of her.

Loki closed his book and lifted bright green eyes to her, "I am your betrothed. It is expected that I be here watching over you." Maryn looked away, her throat tight at the very idea of belonging to this or any man. "Would you prefer one such as my brother Thor?" Loki asked his voice light and teasing but when she glanced at him she saw the tense uncertainty in his gaze.

Turning away once more she blinked back confused tears. "I could hide myself from one such as your brother, my Lord."

"Forgive my intrusion then, Lady Maryn."

Looking up, Maryn watched as he unfolded his tall lithe frame from the chair he had been occupying. She bit her lip and focused on the window opposite her bed, watching from the corner of her eye as Loki bowed fluidly, turned on his heel, and left the room; a tick in his jaw and his lips pressed into a hard thin line.

Tora stepped into the room a moment after he had left. "Is everything alright, my Lady? Are you well? I can call the healer if you need her."

Maryn shook her head halting the worried redhead's words. "I just need to rest. My body aches. I will feel better after I've slept a little more." Turning her back to her handmaiden, she pulled her legs up to her chest and buried her face into the pillow under her head so that her sobs would not be heard.


Later, after she had slept, bathed, eaten a light meal, and dressed in a flowing black gown with embroidery on the breast and down over the hips, belted with a black silk tie, she was led to Frigga's chambers by Frigga's own handmaiden, Tora a few steps behind her. The antechamber was sumptuous, decorated in gold, the walls etched; tapestries hanging on every wall. A large pool sat in the middle of the room opposite a balcony and huge open doors looking out over the city. Maryn curtsied deeply when she saw that not only was Frigga waiting for her sat in a delicate golden chair and dressed in a heavy brocade gown of gold and blue, but Odin stood at her side, dressed in a golden tunic and brown leather breeches. Loki and Thor, both dressed in relaxed versions of their ceremonial armour, stood near the doors that led out to the balcony behind their parents.

Frigga smiled at the petite woman before her. "There is no reason to curtsy, dear. You are now among family." She said kindly.

Rising slowly, Maryn clasped her hands together but kept her gaze lowered as she waited for the Allfather or his wife to speak again.

Realising that the young woman would not be the first to speak, Odin stepped forward, "Frigga and I are sorry for the pain and grief you now feel. We know that if you had a choice it would be to return to your people and mourn your mother appropriately, however, that cannot happen. Your mother spoke candidly in her last message to us that Coros has many followers within the aristocracy of your planet and that it would not be safe for you to return there if anything were to happen to her." Maryn looked up at him tearfully at those words.

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