Chapter 1

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I made my way through the thick vines on the roof tops and was careful in how I made my steps.I looked down at the streets lined with the death I was so used to seeing.I jumped from roof to roof and eventually found my way into the streets.I looked around to be sure.I pawed along the street and stayed out of sight.I felt the heat of the sun hit my fur intensely.I pushed the urge to relax away and continued my search for water.I soon found an old no longer working fountain, surprisingly a little water was left in the bottom.I stepped into the fountain and lapped up some water into my mouth quietly and then cleansed my self of the dirt that had gathered over the week I went with out cleaning my fur.Then I soon realised my paws had turned royal blue compared to my normally light white fur.My nose had as well became blue this was a very mild color mutation that some of the creature could cause.I knew I could not keep my perfect self.I shook silently and jumped out of the water fountain I refused to look at my face in the murky water afraid of what Might stare back at me.I raised head to see the sky,it was still bright and sunny late morning.I looked around the Area I found this fountian.It was messy just as everything else.I started to Paw my way back to find food.I searched every old store and still found nothing.I only found what had become normal,death,overgrown trees,and no sign of life.I felt like I was the only one left sometimes.I found my way out of the last store.I soon herd a small growl come from my side.I turned quickly returning the growl to the large back wolf like creature,It had an exposed skull for it's head and it's growl would be enough to make you heart stop right then,It had black thin fur covered in dry blood,I had a long bony frame,it's tail was long and carried an spear like end.I backed up slightly growling and laying back my ears.It growled back fire formed around it's paws setting the vines it stood on a blaze.It lunged at me,I took a large jump and landed behind it.I knew I could not bite these fire type creatures,I would be set a blaze.It turned and stomped on the ground sending a sudden burst of flames towards me I quickly jumped as high as I could.I felt the heat below me as it passed.I growled challenging the creature.It gave a hellistic howl.I could tell it was angry due to the flame surrounding it's feet growing more intense.I hurled my self into the air grabbing a free brick from an old broken building,I hurled it into the skull of the wolf like creature.I saw it crack making the creature grow infuriated.It stomped once more sending a higher flame towards me.I quickly ran off when I knew it couldn't possibly see me through it's own flames.I ran quickly but silently.I found that I had made it safely back into the hotel I had found.I covered my smell with death making sure where I ran was they places most covered in death.I found my way back to the seventh floor in the room.I his under the bed.I knew that creature would try to find me.I could kill them if I would have more to work with.I looked around the room from under the bed.I saw nothing.I laid my head down peeking through the crack from under the bed.I herd a small creek from the door and slowly looked over to see pure black fur at the door.I held my breath and forced my self to lay back even more.I watched As the black set of paws stepped around to the window I planed my escape through.I could tell this was a different one because it had longer more wolf like hair,and lacked the fire the trailed under them.I slowly moved slightly very cautious as to my noise.I peek at it's face and to my surprise it was a normal wolf,It was just as normal as me but still I was careful.I watched it jump onto the bed.I waited for a long time,Until I heard light snores.I crawled out carefully,I stood tall at the side of the bed,I was sure now it was normal like me because it slept.Only normal things slept.I watched him heave another breath.I looked at the window wondering if I should leave him.I studied him closer now.He had red markings on his nose like my blue nose.Though the rest of him was normal unlike my paws whom matched my nose.I watched him breath in and out,it had been so long sense I had found another wolf.I knew I should leave because he could easily kill a small female wolf like my self.I turned to leave out the window until I saw what no one would ever want to see,A flock of winged demons some fire some just normal demons flocking the town as the sun set low,It was much to dangerous to go out.I had to hid in the back part of this room had no windows and very large boxes I could hide in.I started to walk back there but soon realised he was still sleeping he would be killed when they saw him.I was afraid to wake him.I must.I raised my head and nudged him slightly.He with that jumped up in a panic growling and snarling.Then he saw me.I stood quietly as I point to the window.He gave a questioning look at me at turned to see the demons.

He looked at me once more his blue eye seeming to search my mind.He growled at me.I lowered my head and walked towards the back room.He very carefully followed me staring me down. I hid in a large box that he squeezed in with me.We laid very quietly only asking our questions once it was safe.After four to five hours he broke the silence his blue eyes gazing at me untrustingly,though I don't blame him.

"What's your name,"He sound very quietly.Sounding nicer then he probably wanted to.

"Kirto,"I answered ," and yours?"

"Taoru"He growled at me when I shuffled.

I growled back,"I am not your enemy okay those things are"

He went silent and bared his teeth until he layed down.

"It is noon by now they have probably moved on"I suggested.

"We will not leave here until morning"He pulled me back down.

I rested my head on the old cardboard that had surprisingly no mold.As it became darker I gasped as my paws lit up a brilliant royal blue giving light to the dark room.He looked at me in awe.

"Is that your mutation?'He asked

"I guess,I only got it today'

"It is......beautiful."he said quietly.

"Thank you."We both stared at my shining paws.they seemed to purify the room of it haunting darkness.He looked at me and tilted his head.His blue eyes glowed in the light.

I must admit he was handsome though he seemed to not trust me I was glad I wasn't lonely now.

"You can sleep if you need."He looked at me.

I shook my head understandingly.I laid Down and began to drift off.


I looked at my young brother as he played in the clearing with the other young wolves of my pack.He growled a play fought with the others happily,I smiled at him and felt very happy.The the light flowers that crowded to field began to wilt.The young pups ran to me as the field blazed up in a random fire.I picked up the three pups and ran back to the caves.I set them down to my horror they grew large and fire blared from the three,s body once I had set them down,they growled and laugh hellisticly.I back up from the creatures that had take over the pups.Fire covered their bodies.They seemed to taught me and soon began to growl and surround me.When a blue light shot from the ground and my vision was white.When I saw Agian my paws were covered in blood and lie around me the bodies of the three pups,dead.I began to cry and mourn what had happened.I howled and felt the blue light shine brightly.

"Kirto?"I heard a voice call

"Kirto?"it came agian



My eyes shot open and my blue light grew more intense from my paws I panted heavily and looked over to see Taoru staring at me.

A dream..... it was a dream is all.

"Are you okay Kirto?"He looked at me.

"I am fine sorry if I was loud."

"No you were just crying in your sleep."

I felt my face heat up.I never cry around any one.Not sense this all started.

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