Chapter Two

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I shook of the heat and turned my head.

"I will take shift now"I said quietly.

"Alright..."He laid down and closed his eyes I took this chance to study him

He had black fur and it was long but not thick.He had long legs that looked rather strong for jumping.I saw that his tail was long and carried a blood red tip at the end,matching his nose.His paws were large and his claws were as well.He had a thin muzzle to go with the slick fur on his face.His ear were slightly bigger and more pointed.I looked away from him.

He was a normal alpha I bet.I looked around my ears perked and used the light from my paws to see in darker areas.I looked over at him and watched him sleep.He seemed much less angry when he sleeps.

I heard a chirp from outside,It must be morning.I quietly found my way to the door and peeked out sideIt was in fact day and from what I could tell safe.

I walked back in and woke Taoru by pawing him.

"What?"He growled.

"We can go out now."

"Hmm?,"He opened his eyes and stepped out of the room I followed behind him.He looked around then out the window.

"I suppose,then Kirto this is where our path splits,I don't need you to drag me down"He growled cruely but for a moment I saw a look of sadness.

I looked at him shocked and I felt like crying.

"But if we are together then strength in numbers right?"

He seemed to think on that.

"You can follow me until we hit canadian border then we will split ways."He answered.

"Canada? Is it safe?"

"No one knows.."He turned to the door,"lets get going we can't let it get dark because of your light"

"Yes of course.."

We carefully pawed our way out the window, jumping to the close by roof.I took a moment to look at the blue sky.

I was becoming darker.Storm clouds approached.I turned away and followed him from roof to roof until we hit the edge of the city.He jumped carefully down some crates that were stacked up on the side,I followed his action.My paws hit the soft ground.The could already smell the fresh forest air.

"Come on Kirto,stop fucking around."

I ran after Taoru,who didn't bother to slow down.he came to a sudden stop once we were slightly deeper into the forest.

"What is it,"I stopped beside him and whispered.

"One of the"

"I looked at what he was looking at to see a young doe burnt to a black crisp,it was fresh and still warm.

"We better be careful "he warned

"It is close we should go"

We pawed even more carefully down the forest.We came to a small cliff,We turned and walked it's edge.Taoru walked faster and made no effort to slow down.I watched his tail sway and his fur blow in the small breeze.I knew this breeze would carry our sent but payed no mind to that.I looked at the towering leafy trees that were around us.They seemed to dance as the wind ruffled their leaves. I trotted faster to catch up with Taoru.

"We should hide you know?"

"I'm looking damn it"He snapped.

"How about there."I pointed to a large cave we could see that went into the ground.We ran into the entrance and with out thinking made our way through many turns and side routes.

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