Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Confrontations

As Vince was pulling up to the school I already had my door open. Grabbing my bag I jumped out of the car and ran to my locker. The bell had already rung and I knew my teacher would make a scene if I was late again. The events from this morning were pushed to the back of my mind, reserved for later, the rush of panic for my tardiness driving me. I started to run and full speed hoping no one would crash into me, and that the Vice Principle had a class this block. As I ran up the ramp and past the front doors, turning left and heading for the back doors, I saw Vince casually stroll in.

"Hurry up you idiot!" I yelled at him, slowing slightly. "We have McJannet right now!" The look of realization and panic that crossed his face would have made me laugh if it was not for the rush we were both now in. Pushing open the doors, I ran across the bus loop, heading towards the portables. I could hear Vince quickly catching up. His longer legs pushing him ahead of me and towards the door. By the time we reached the portable we were both panting and heaving. We looked at each other and broke out in to laughter. Vince opened the door, as quietly as possible, and slipped in behind me. Our teacher was trying to fix the map of Canada that was hanging at the front of the class. He was attempting to put it up and get the map of the world. We both took or seats right in the back and high-fived quietly, as to not attract the attention of the teacher. After about 5 minutes he finally fixed it and turned around. He looked strait at us.

"Stay after class," he stated in a monotone voice and then continued on with the lesson.

At about 3:30 we were finally aloud to leave.

"Hey Violet," Vince said, causing me to turn around and face him.

"Ya?" I asked looking strait at him.

"Do you think you'd be okay to walk home today? I have to go pick up Ashley," He said not looking me strait in the eye. Ashley was his little sister. I guess he felt bad about making me walk all the way home.

"Umm yeah, sure," I looked down at the ground. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning then," I walked up to him and gave him a hug, holding on as long as I dared. Before turning on my heel and walking away. As I was turning the corner, the school about to disappear behind a group of trees, I saw Vince tear out of the parking lot and drive away in the other direction. Sighing I pulled out my Ipod and put my headphones in my ears. I clicked on the sadist song on my playlist, which wasn't much and started my trek home. It was a reasonably sunny day out today, which was quite amazing seeing as it rain all the time here. The wind was playing along the tops of the trees and as I strolled through Mamquam, putting a small smile on my face. Thinking back to this morning, I felt the smile slowly make its way off my face, only to be replaced with a frown. A small shiver ran up my spine, creating goose bumps all along my arms and legs. I had the feeling of someone watching me. I wanted to run, but that would only attract more attention. I glanced around hoping to be able to spot whoever, or whatever was watching me. I got to the bottom of my hill and realized I would have to walk through a section of the hill that was covered in forest before I made it into the highly populated area of the Garibaldi Highlands. I looked at the trees, shadows everywhere, just waiting for an unsuspecting child to walk through. I guess right now I am the child. I stepped forward and then quickened my pace hoping to get onto the main road that was close enough for me to hear the sound of cars rushing back and forth even through the trees.

"I wonder how far awa-" My speech was cut off by the snap of a twig just slightly to my right. I looked in the direction that it snapped, seeing nothing I told myself it was just a raccoon or something. I started to back away towards that road when my back hit something hard. I turned around and let out a small squeak. Holding me against their chest was a tall man with dark hair. He glowered down at me with smoldering eyes. I could feel myself shrink back in fear. The look on his face showed pure hatred.

"Vision," he hissed through his teeth, reaching in to his pocket. Just as he grabbed what he was looking for I saw a large white shape appear in front of me. Letting my eyes focus, I let out a scream when I saw the blonde haired man standing in front of me.

"Let her go demon!" he yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

"I was sent here to kill her. She has the vision, and we will not stand for that angel," he replied quite calmly. I froze in my struggles to get free. I had no chance; the demon would just kill me sooner then.

"I am to protect her, if you harm her you will not live to see tomorrow," he pulled a studded dagger out of his belt loop. It glittered in what little light could be seen through the tree tops.

"How will you kill me? I have a hold of her," the sound of his voice showed the smirk as clearly as his face did. "Or are you going to kill us both?" His dark laugh echoed through his chest as his nail slid down the side of my neck, drawing blood.

"We'll see," The blonde haired man replied before throwing something at the demons face.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" He screamed dropping me to the ground. I turned around to see a cross burning its way in to his flesh.

The smell was horrible; I had to push down the bile that rose in my throat when I saw the cross hit his cheek bone. A thick, black substance started to drip from the wound. The look and smell both resembling melted tar.

"Run Violet!" I turned just in time to dodge the demon's clawed hand. I looked up to the blonde haired man who was fumbling to grab his dropped dagger.

After one last glance at the demon, which had given up on trying to get the cross out and was now letting it eat away at his face, I started to sprint towards the sound of cars. I heard a loud roar as I broke through the trees and stepped on to the sidewalk of the busy street. I ran across the street, barley avoiding a car, and ran towards the closest house.

I franticly knocked on the door until he finally opened it up and let me inside.

"What's wrong?" Vince looked down at me, concern filling his eyes.

"I was just held hostage by a...demon, I just need to catch my breath," I took a deep breath before collapsing to the floor. I felt my knees hit the tile, but before my head fell forward Vince caught me. Picking me up, he took me upstairs to his room and set me down on the edge of his bed.

"Sorry, I was just really scared by it," I said glancing down.

I felt two arms wrap around me, pulling me closer. "Why are you sorry? There was a demon after you, I'd be scared too," He reassured me, looking in to my eyes. I started to lean closer, captivated by the deep forest green colour that make up his eyes. Suddenly standing up, Vince walked over to his door. Startled by is quick movements I fell off the bed.

"I'm gonna go make tea," He said not looking at me. He walked out of his room, and I could here him in the kitchen down the hall, filling the kettle up with water.

What the hell was all that about?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2010 ⏰

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