Chapter 1 - Closed Doors

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I pulled my old, dirty jacket around me tighter when a gush of cold air decided to blow ruthlessly. I couldn't help but shiver and rub my hands together to keep them warm, picking up my pace to get to work as soon as possible. It seems that winter does not plan on leaving New York anytime soon as it is now May and we are still being hit by snowstorms. I look ahead as I see the familiar Broadhurst theatre come into view.

The billboards outside were stripped from the posters that advertised "The Front Page", the play that shut its doors in January. Since then the cleaning staff has been tidying the theatre in order to welcome Anastasia, Broadway's newest musical coming all the way from Connecticut. In fact, she could see men plastering the faces of the new stars on the billboard in preparation of the cast's arrival which should be sometime this week.

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I run the last couple of steps and take refuge in the heat that the theatre provides. I curl up next to the heating system to warm myself up before reporting for duty. An icicle would not be of much help after all. Just as I was pulling myself together, I see a familiar face approach me.

"Another snow storm huh? I think Mother Nature likes seeing us humans suffer." I smile and grab Alexie's outreached hand and stand on my own two feet. Her smile turns into a frown when she sees my jacket.

"Are you sure that you do not want me to help pay for a winter coat? That flimsy little thing is not warm enough to keep you alive in these conditions. It is full of holes and has tears all over and-"

I quickly grab her hands and assure her that I am fine with my little hoodie. I have almost enough saved up to get myself one. Then again that is what I have been saying for years now but rent is not cheap nor is food for that matter.

"Any idea when the new cast will be arriving?" I ask, hoping Alexie would drop the subject which thankfully she does.

"Mister Lewis believes it might be tomorrow. We really should get moving! I believe that all we must do today is clean the dressing rooms." I nod and grab the cleaning supplies resting against the entry way as Alexie informs me that we are the only ones here today.

"I will take care of the ensemble dressing rooms and you can take care of the principal actors, how about that?" she asks me, and I nod, making my way to the door that says it is for personnel only. As I walk down the white corridors, I see names of the actors with their character plastered on doors. I start with Caroline O'Conner's who plays the Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch. I then continue with John Bolton who will be interpreting Vlad Popov. Then comes Mary Beth Peil's dressing room, the one and only Dowager Empress Maria Feodorvona.

When I step foot in Ramin Karimloo's dressing room, I cannot help but sigh. I was beyond excited to discover that he would be a part of the cast here as Gleb Vaganov. I have been a fan of his ever since I saw him perform the Phantom on the 25th anniversary DVD of the Phantom of the Opera, alongside Sierra Boggess. As I was cleaning the giant mirror, I could not help but notice the white garment bags hanging on the rod and the boxes on the shelf behind me. I look to see if Alexie or Mr. Lewis were around before hesitantly walking towards one of the garment bags and unzipping it ever so slightly to peek inside. It was his guard costume! I didn't realize that some of the components were already delivered. I quickly zipped up the bag and moved on to Derek Klena's room. I could not think of anyone better to play the role of Dimitri. I have been obsessed with this man for a while too. I used to love watching his appearances in Lindsay Mendez's "Fly Girl" vlogs on from when he was in Wicked as Fiyero.

Walking into Christine Altomare's dressing room. The first thing I notice are the numerous garment bags and boxes. Christy will be playing the title role of the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia or orphan Anya, depending on how you want to look at it. The urge to peek at the costumes was too much to handle but I am determined to stay professional. Cleaning has been wearing me out so much that I decide to remove my flimsy jacket and hand it on the chair in front of the beauty counter whilst I clean the room from top to bottom. When I finally finish, I can't help but take a seat in the chair destined for the star and relax for a moment. I look back at the corner with the bags and boxes, biting my lip in curiosity. Don't you. even dare Bianca, I say to myself and close my eyes, breathing heavily, it should be time to leave soon anyway. Did you really think I would be able to resist? I walk over to the boxes laying on the floor and open one very gently, only to find a pair of heels. I close it back up immediately and reach for another that had the word "fragile" posted all over it. Very carefully I open the flaps and gasp. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! I slowly pick the tiara out of the box and walk towards the mirror. Very carefully I lower the fragile piece and nestle it into my hair. I cannot help but smile at how beautiful the accessory is, as it shines under the light. I look around again to be sure that no one is around before I pretend to have been asked to dance by a handsome prince as I twirl around the dressing room.

"I am the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna," I exclaim with passion as I keep twirling.

"You got some moves their princess."

I gasp and immediately spin around, only to be greeted by Alexie's snickers. I immediately calm down and put the tiara back into its original box, setting it down exactly where I had found it. I grab the cleaning supplies and follow Alexie to the front of the theatre where Mr. Lewis was waiting to lock the doors and call it a day.

"Our secret?" I whisper shyly to her.'

"Of course," she smiles.

"Run along now ladies. Do not forget to be at your best tomorrow, we will be officially welcoming the cast to their new home. Clean up and dress nice." I feel as though that last part was directed towards me specifically. Mr. Lewis knows that I am an orphan, it's the only reason why I got this job, he pitied me. I nod as I pass him and step foot in the cold only to notice I left my jacket inside! I flip around only to see Mr. Lewis driving away after locking up. Well darn. I quickly wrap my arms around myself and run to the nearest subway station, to get home.

If you are wondering how I can afford to live on my own well... I live in Brownsville which is in East New York. In other words, one of the most dangerous areas in the city thus, no one wants to be here. I might have an apartment but I sure as hell do not have furniture to decorate. When the bus finally gets to my stop I get off and walk to the old building that looks like it is falling apart. I climb up two flights of stairs and get to my door without getting killed, another day survived. I take a quick shower, spending extra time in there knowing I must be the best I can be for the move in tomorrow, even if the water is as cold as ice. I quickly pull on some sweatpants and a thick hoodie before laying down on the old, ripped sofa, pulling the only blanket I own up to my neck. Well... we will see what tomorrow brings. With that last thought, I closed my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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