Kiss me?

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As you were running to your job you hear your watch ring again you look at the time, It said 12:00 "NO I CANT BE LATE NO NO NO!!!, I CANT BE LATE AGAIN!" Your phone begins to ring, you pick it up and it's your boss "Y/n YOUR LATE FOR THE 5TH TIME YOUNG LADY, YOUR...FIRED" The phone hangs up on you, you look up at the sky and clouds begin to roll in, you let out an angry growl, You stomp all the way home thinking "Can this day get...Any worse?" You try to open the door to you home but is locked on the inside. "Apparently it can!"

You groan angrily and begin to think "now where am I going to go?...there's to much rain.."
You think for a moment, you let out a huge gasp and say "The Once-ler!!!", I can spend the night at his place and wait till tomorrow" you begin to run, as your running with excitement you slip on a stick in the mud, you fall into a mud puddle and get all muddy as you get up from the puddle you wipe off some of the mud and continue to walk to The Once-lers house, as you make your way to the door you notice him looking out the window in a sad and lonely
way, you shake your head and knock on the door, he quickly gets up and opens the door, "Y-Y/n?" His eyes widen with fear, "it's pouring out right now! C'mon let's get inside! You could catch a cold" you begin to make your way inside and near the lil fireplace, you see him pull out a towel and sense he will ask a question.

"So why were you out and about any way?" He questioned, "Umm....well it's a log see I got fired and when it started to rain i went home but my door was locked on the inside..." you put the towel over your head making a little blush. "Huh I see....well your safe now...." he gets closer to you and wraps his arm around you trying to keep you warm.

You begin to blush and smile a little, he leans in closer and closer to the point were your blush became a bright red "O-Once-ler?" You ask in a shuttering way, "Y-yes Y/n?" He leans in, As you notice him leaning against you You lean in as well "Y-y/n?..." he says in a whisper, you ignore him and went for it! You kissed him on the lips gently, you leave the kiss for a few seconds, you break the kiss and a huge blush appears on both of your cheeks. "W-wow, Y/n...that...that was...amazing!" He smiles.

"R-really? Well...heh.." you blush and smile "well Y/n i think we should get to bed! It's getting late.." he rubs his neck and lays down, "heh yeah your right!" You lay down next to him and cuddle him tightly.


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