Chapter 2

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         My eyes immediately lock with his. His venomous, cheating, desceving,lying chocolate brown eyes. It's him, my ex-boyfriend, Zayn. I immediately begin to feel hot tears trickle down my red cheeks. I look over at Harry who has a confused look on his face. And before I know it I am sprawled out on the ground unconscious.

 Harry’s Point of view

As soon as we stepped foot in the main office the color got sucked from  Elizabeth’s face at the sight of Zayn,as if she knew him. Yes, Zayn is not a gentlemen when it comes to the ladies, but Elizabeth is knew here, is there something I don’t know about? I don’t know why, but I feel like I’m supposed to protect Elizabeth and be there for her. I’m already starting to like her even though we just met about 5 minutes ago. And the way she blushed right after she called me beautiful, I immediately knew that’s not what she intended to say, but it was cute. As soon as I snapped out of my thoughts I notice Elizabeth’s frail body collapse to the floor.

I instantly rush over to her. She looked as if she got the life sucked out of her. She was so pale and looked so weak. Her eyes were pressed together so tight they might as well be stuck with glue. I try shaking her but nothing, she doesn’t move, doesn’t blink, simply nothing. And then, in the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a chuckle escape Zayn’s lips. And that’s when I gently drop Elizabeth’s frail body and  throw a fist to Zayn’s jaw. How could he fucking laugh at a possibly dead girl?

He looked taken back at first, then he smirked and said “is that all you got pretty boy?”

Next thing I know, I reject his fist trying to come across my gut. Then, my short stubby principal comes rushing in as if on cue. He comes in the middle of Zayn and I and  try and be the rescuer, not even knowing that there’s a new student passed out in the middle of the room. As soon as the principal opens his mouth I cut him off.

“Mr. Stern, in case you haven’t noticed there’s a new student that is possibly dead lying on that floor and this asshole  was laughing while she could be lifeless right now so I suggest you call an ambulance or something, because a fight is the least of your worries.” I spat.

Taking in what I had just said, he rushes to the phone his eyes never leaving Elizabeth as I run back to comfort her possibly lifeless body.

“We will finish this later” Zayn tells me with a stupid smirk plastered on his face as he goes to first period.


I slightly open my eyes while I immediately shut them again being stunned from the bright light that is above me? Where am i? I practically begin to panic while I calm myself down trying to think of what had happened earlier that could lead to me being in a hospital bed.  Zayn… is all I could remember but then my mind drifts off into the curly haired boy, Harry. I remember walking into the main office by Harry’s side when my eyes locked on Zayn’s lifeless dull eyes. I don’t understand why he was there. Maybe this really isn’t happening maybe I’m just dreaming, yeah that’s what it is,  it was probably just a dream. But then I am stood corrected while a tall handsome curly haired boy wakes in the room, lightly knocking before, of course.

  “you alright love? I don’t really know what happened as soon as you looked at Zayn you just kind of lost it. You passed out about an hour ago, I got really worried.” Harry says, his voiced laced with concern .He begins to continue when I notice a fresh cut under his rig right eye.

Then I interrupt him right in the middle of his sentence “W-What happened? Where did that come from?” I had asked while pointing to the cut.

His soft emerald green eyes then changed as if they had emotion. They turned a dark jade color as if he were mad.

“Well while you past out I went to see what happened to you then I heard Zayn laugh as if he were proud that he stunned you. So I kind of punched him then we got into this fight because it was such a dick move for him to do that you know?” When Harry said that, I could just imagine that sight because Zayn was always known for getting into trouble, usually always dealing with girls.

I was touched by the way it seemed he cared for me. I began to sheepishly smile.

“Thank you Mr. Styles look who came to save the day” I say while chuckling.

He begins to deeply chuckle to having his two imprinted dimples embark his cheeks.

“El, is it okay I call you that I mean Elizabeth just seems wrong rolling off my tongue.” I begin to giggle because I love the way he called me that.

Only my dad had ever called me that we had such a special bond and no one has called me that ever since he died. But honestly I loved the way Harry said it.

“Yes of course” I say.

“Okay well is it okay if I ask what happened back there?” Harry ask cautiously.

I was not ready to again think of that day that moment and how pleased Zayn looked when he did that to me. No not now I can’t think of that now. I begin to feel my heart race so fast when I start to feel dizzy again.

“El, El, Elizabeth are you okay? NURSE!” Harry yells out loud.

I couldn’t take it and that’s when I swear at that moment I heard Harry say “don’t leave me”. Then I’m out.

Here is chapter 2. Special thanks to Emme for helping me edit it, and make the cover. Go check her fanfic @loanthonysqueen. Don't forget to comment and vote. :) -Mariah

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