𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 // An Intuition

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Solaris : Hey !! Everyone, is Sol's first story in english, so enjoy !!!

Sasuke : Hmm, it's not a SasuNaru, I'm disappointed

Itachi : We don't care


(Alright people, Itachi is 12-13 y/o, so please, calm down with the 'pedo' things ;^;)

Itachi couldn't stop staring at the 9 year old. He had messy golden locks and bright blue eyes. His cheeks were adorned with whisker marks.

"Nii-san, Naruto is my friend, not yours !" He heard his brother, Sasuke, whine. Naruto ignored Sasuke's complaints and continued to stare at Itachi.

"You're right, Otouto. I'll head to my room..." Itachi stated absently, only briefly looking at his brother before returning his gaze to the blond.

"Naruto !" Sasuke screamed. He was furious at his brother and Naruto. They were completely ignoring him !

Upon hearing her youngest scream in frustration, Mikoto headed downstairs to tent to her son and Naruto.

Finally, Naruto turned away from Itachi and stated longingly at a pack of ramen. Itachi noticed this, and immediately offered the child food.

"Are-" He started, but was cut off by the arrival of his mother in the kitchen.

"Hello there, boys. Are you hungry ?" She directed at Sasuke and Naruto, but looked Itachi square in the face. Itachi frowned as Naruto shook his head. He was about to comment on this, but Naruto's stomach beat him to it. It release a loud growl before Naruto shifted to muffle the noise.

"Itachi" He looked up at his mother and was surprised to see a smile plastered on her face.

"Yes, Okaa-san ?" He asked politely. His mother stayed silent for a moment and he waited patiently for request.

"Could you find me that one cooking book in your Oto-san's study ?" She asked quietly, looking back at the hungry boys. Itachi found this odd, as she'd never owned any cooking books. She the recipes passed down for generations by the Uchiha clan by heart.

"Please" She said firmly, but her eyes softened the tone. Itachi gave a small nob before heading towards his father's study. 'A cooking book ?' He thought 'She must have wanted me out of the kitchen. But why ?' He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and lightly knocked on door tothe study before quietly stepping inside. It was empty, once again, he found this strange. His father was ALWAYS in his study.

Mikoto waited a couple minutes before announcing, "I'll be right back, boys. I don't know what's taking Itachi so long" She flashed a smile before leaving the kitchen.

Naruto and Sasuke stared at each other in confusion, and soon enough, Naruto's stomach interrupted the silence. They both looked over his stomach before looking at each other. Laughter erupted in the Uchiha's large kitchen.

A knock was heard at the door, and Itachi watched as his mother stepped into the study and look a seat.

"Itachi, I have something to discuss with you" She said. She was no longer smiling, but had a rather serious expression on her face.

"Please, go ahead, Okaa-san" He nodded as he sang to the floor and leant against the study bookshelf.

"You seem to have a crush." Mikoto stated. She obviously didn't waste her time getting to the point. She WAS an Uchiha after all.

Itachi stated at his mother in silence. He tried to comprehend her statement, but drew up a blank. Finally, he reached a conclusion. His mother was going insane.

"Me ? Like someone ? Since when ?!" He burst out, forgetting his manners.

Mikoto frowned when he spoke in a mocking tone. She then remembered that Uchihas never showed emotion, so it was natural for them to explode every once in a while.

"Yes, since now, Itachi I can tell, it's a mother's intuition" She said while grinning. This was her son's first crush, and she was proud of him.

"Alrigth then, who do you think I like ?" He sneered. His mother squirmed. He was beig awfully rude.

"Naruto." She said, holding back a smile. She couldn't wait for the blush that would take him by surprise.

"Na-Naruto !" He asked, his eyes widening. He could feel his cheeks heating up, and he bit his lip to keep from yelling that Naruto had to be the most adorable creature he had ever seen. He looked down at the floor. How could he be acting foolish !

"Oh Itachi, it's alright !" Mikoto whispered, taking her beet red son into arms. She held him until he started to struggle. She could see a mixture of anger, helplessness, determination and childishness on his face. She shut her own eyes while waiting for him to lash out at her. Instead, she heard an almost timid voice call out to her.

"Okaa-san, how do I make him like me back ?"

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