𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒔 // An Intuition

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Solaris : Solaris is so sorry ! Solaris was really busy as well.

Sasuke : You suck...

Solaris : Shut up... So just for you guys, here is an extra long chapter !


Itachi had woken up at the crack of dawn and this normal for him, because being a Konoha shinobi mean weaking up early to train. He got his weapons ready, and gently set them in the pouch that was tied to his thitgh. Closing the door behind him, Itachi looked up to the sky. It was still dark outside, but the east side of the village was basking in a golden, glow from the sun's rising. He had recently been experiencing emotions he had never felt before, and he hated not knowing what to expect. Tucking his bangs behind his ear, he took a deep breath broke into a sprint.

The pouding of the feet against the ground was like music. A continuous rhythm, "thump, thump, thump, thump." Just 4, 329 more steps until I get to the training ground, 7 more hours until Sasuke is waking up, 3 days until I see Naruto again, 81 hours to plan what say, what to do and how to react.

Itachi heard footsteps behind him, and he increased his speed.

"Itachi, wait !" Itachi froze. He would know that cheerful voice anywhere.

"Naruto ?" Itachi whispered. No reply came. Uncertainty crept into his mind, and ridiculous scenarios made their way into his head. He turned slowly around, scared it wouldn't be the person he wanted... But the he was... Uzumaki Naruto

Greetings were exchanged, and a strange silence settled over the two, Itachi was the one break it.

"What are you doing up so early in the morning ?" He asked. Naruto remainded quiet, staring at the roof of the building Where they were standing on.

"I... I was going to train, and I saw you come by, and I guess I wanted... To train with you ?" Naruto whispered shyly. He looked up at Itachi with wide blue eyes and the most innocent expression Itachi had ever seen, and Itachi had seen a lot of innocent faces... He end up killing them all...

Naruto saw the horrified expression on Itachi'face and took it for rejection.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I, uh... Bye Itachi-sama." He stuttered.

"What wait no ! I mean... I'd enjoy helping you train very much." Itachi sais, snapping out of his stupor. Naruto stopped himself from jumping up in relief.

"Thank you, Itachi-sama."

One moment later

After Naruto failed to dodge several expertly thrown kunai, Itachi suggested a break.

"So, how's Sasuke ?" Naruto asked as he leaned against a tree. He subconsciously started to pluck grass from the ground.

"He's fine" Itachi answered. He so badly wanted to hold that hand. Without even thinking, he placed his hand over Naruto's. Naruto sat up and looked at their hands, he then looked up at Itachi's wide eyes. He grinned

"I... Uh... You were ruining grass." Itachi stated.

"Was I really." Naruto asked, raising his eyebrows. He liked teasing Itachi


"Hmm, noone had ever bothered to stop me before."


"It's okay, you know."

"What is ?"

"You wanted to hold my hand."


"Itachi ? Itachi ? Itachi ! are you okay ?"

"Itachi answer me !! ITACHI !" Itachi heard a voice yelling at him. He slowly opened his eyes, and when his eyes had finally adjusted to the bright lights being shined in his eyes, he saw a blue eyes kitsune looking down at him.

"Naruto, how long have I been passed out ?"

"Itachi ! about two hours... So, how are you feeling ?" Naruto chirped, he was kneeling beside Itachi, and his hans were fluttering over Itachi's body, looking for a place to rest. Itachi ignored Naruto's questions and struggled to sit up, and if it wasn't for Naruto's firm pushing him back down, he might have actually succeeded.

"No, I will not let you get hurt again. You are staying here" Naruto's voice faltered when he saw Itachi's pained expression. "At leas until the colors has returned to your face."

"When did you become such a nurse ?" Itachi whispered, a small smile appearing on his face when Naruto blushed.

"Never, I'm simply worried about an acquaintance" Naruto huffed and crossing his arms.

"I'm only an acquaintance ? not even a friend ?" Itachi asked and his smile widened as frowned.

"No, you're a friend" Naruto retorted.

"Alright. I prefer being a friend, then."

Naruto didn't answer. Itachi watched as the small boy's body started to tremble and his fists clenched. Itachi panicked and sat up, ignoring the pain that seared through his body. Wrapping his arms around the blonde , he raised a quivering hand to the boy's head and gently stroked the soft hair. The trembling finally stopped and Itachi slowly let go, as much as he wanted to hold on forever.

"I think... I should go home" Naruto said. His voice was emotionless.

"You did." Naruto growled, looking up at Itachi with tears forming in sky blue eyes. He hadn't realized he'd said it out loud.

"Naruto... Forgive me. I didn't mean it in that particular way." Itachi said, frowning at his Kitsune.

"What other way is there ?" Naruto asked heplessly. Itachi was stuck, he couldn't tell him... Not yet.

"You'll... Have to figure it out yourself. One day you'll know, Kitsune."

"Kitsune ?"

"What about it ?"

"Why did you call me Kitsune ?"

"It's an affectionate name, don't you think ?"


Solaris : Here it is finished we see for the next chapter !

Itachi : Try to post it rather this time

Solaris : Sol' will try and sorry for faults ! Bye !

Itachi : Bye

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