Red Wool

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"Hello?!" You yelled as you slammed the front door to your house behind you.
"HELLO?!" You yelled again, louder this time, gently stomping your foot on the ground.
You sighed. No one was home... Again.
You trudged down the hallway, your back slumped, your eyes mostly on the ground, but occasionally glancing up in front of you.
"Why is no one ever home?" You growled to yourself.

You stopped outside your craft room, considering if you should go in and make something while your mum and dad were out.
"Eh," you shrugged to yourself. "I'll give it a go,"
Your mum and dad were always trying to get you to 'be creative' and not bland, so they had given you this craft room.
It had been sitting there unused since you moved into this house.
"Hmph." You slid into your chair with wheels on the bottom, and rested your elbows on the bench, it was still polished and untouched.
You glanced around at all the materials set before you, wondering what to use.
Your eyes caught on some red wool in a neat little ball, so you picked it up and tossed it from one hand to the other playfully.
You put that to one side when you heard
'BRRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG' the phone rang from the kitchen. It was probably your mum or dad calling to make sure you were okay.
You chucked the wool back onto the bench and went to answer the phone.


"Okay, bye mum," you hung up from the phone, tiredly putting it back on its holder.
Your mum and dad had gone out for dinner, and wouldn't be back until 7, or around that time.
You made your way back to the craft room and sat back down in the wheelie chair.
You leaned back against the chair exhaustedly.
Work was getting harder now that you were in high school.
You noticed something and your eyes snapped open.
What? You thought confusedly. Where'd the wool go?!
You put your hand helplessly on the spot where it had been.
Huh?! Was the only word you could think of.

A small sound came from bookcase behind you.
It sounded like tiny footsteps, maybe falling? You spun your chair around hesitantly, thinking it may have been a mouse.
It stared at you.
A small, red, woollen doll was standing on the shelf.
It was about the size of your hand and had little ears on its head.
It was entirely red except for two dots on its face you presumed were its eyes; they were white.
You opened your mouth to say something, but no words came out.
It took a shuffly step closer, you guessed it was nervous.
"I-It's okay," you told it. "I-I won't hurt you,"
It kind of just stood there and tilted its head adorably.
"Hey," you laughed, "you're kinda cute!"
It pointed at your hand with its small red one, waving its hand towards itself.
"You want to come with me?" You asked, treating the thing like a pet.
It nodded and you put your hand up to the shelf on the bookcase it was on, and you saw that a single strand of wool was coming off it, leaving a trail, showing where it had been.
You followed it with your eyes, still holding the creature carefully. The trail lead to the bottom of your desk, where the ball of wool had dropped to the ground.
"Where did you come from?" You turned your head back to the small creature, who was now sitting on the palm of your hand.
It just stared at you intently.
"No speaking, hey?" You asked.
It shook its head slowly.
"Huh, well, I guess you don't have a mouth,"
It turned its head towards the door expectantly.
You chuckled happily.
"Well, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." You held out a finger to shake, as a hand would be too big for it, and it took hold of your finger and shook it politely.
You're so adorable. You thought to yourself.


You took the little guy to your room, and was showing it your stuff. You had to bring the ball of wool with you, or it would leave a trail and get tangled in the house.

"Hey, by the way," you asked it. "Do have a gender?"
It seemed awkward when you asked that, but it nodded and looked into your eyes again.
"Um, male?" You guessed and it nodded. "Oh! Cool. Do you have a name?"
He glanced around and then shook his head sadly.
You felt sorry for him so you decided to give him a name.
"How about... Yarny?" You winced at the name, but he seemed to like it, because he nodded happily.
"Well," you laughed. "Yarny it is, then!"
You sat down on your bed and studied Yarny curiously.
"How where you even made?" You asked disbelievingly.
He just shrugged and looked confused.
"Hm," you said, placing him on your bedside table. He sat down and swung his legs over the side. It was a long drop for him, being only a hand height tall.
You grabbed out an old unused sketchbook and pencil. He sat still, knowing what you were doing.
And that was, drawing him.

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