Trouble in the Front Garden

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"Uh- Um- What are we gonna do?!" You started panicking.
Yarny grabbed your arm and stared at you.
"What?" You asked him fearfully. He let go and looked around like nothing was wrong.
"What are you looking for?" You whispered, so as to let him keep his concentration.
He turned around and pointed at a nail with lots of wool wrapped loosely around it sticking out of the ground just a few inches along the gate. He pulled on the trail of wool coming off him but he couldn't reach it.
"I didn't know that was there!" You whispered and silently stepped forward and picked up all of the wool off the nail and gave it to your friend.
Suddenly he made a spinning motion that wrapped all the wool you were holding onto his middle, restoring him back to normal.
"Hi-five!" You yelled, and held out your hand.
Yarny looked at you with a puzzled expression.
"You don't know what a hi-five is? Well, hold your hand up like mine,"
He didn't seem to get it so you grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm into position.
"And then..." You slapped his hand but it didn't make much of a sound. Yarny jumped and slipped off the side of the gate that you hadn't come from.
"Ahh! I'm sorry!" You screamed after him, getting on you hands and knees to look down over the edge. To your surprise, he was holding onto his own trail of wool and standing sideways on the wall.
"Oh!" You exclaimed, happy to see you hadn't pushed him off a cliff. Yarny gave a little wave that made you laugh.
He then abseiled down the wall in little jumping motions. He got to the ground and stood there holding his wool, waiting.
A wave of realisation came over you. You had to do that too.
"Ugh!" You groaned, but you couldn't help smiling when Yarny tilted his head at you as if to say, "What's wrong? We've done this before!"
You put one hand on the strand of wool and grasped it, then the other. You swung your legs down so that you were sitting on the edge of the wall.
You grabbed the strand of wool with your hands and swung down to hang on the side of the wall.
"AHH!" You squealed as you tried to hold onto the wool with your legs.
You started to slip down and the rope-like texture of the wool started to give you rope burn.
"Ow, ow, ow!"
You continued to slide down, trying to slow yourself a little bit.
You sighed in relief as your feet finally touched the ground.
"We really need to find a better way of getting me around," You said in one breath to Yarny. He wasn't paying attention. Instead he was looking in the air, his eyes narrowed slightly. He grabbed your hand, not taking his eyes off the sky.
"What? What is it?" You asked him. You felt something wrapping around your wrist, and you quickly looked down, your arm jerking in surprise. Yarny was wrapping the wool from his arm on to yours! You paused with concern before you spoke.
"Why- Why are you-" Your question was cut off by an ear-piercing sound.
He let go of his grip on your arm, the last of the wool hanging down from it.
Your eyes, which were now cautiously watching the sky, glanced down. You saw that his arm was now only a few strands of wool entwined with each other.
Your eyes darted about all over the sky, trying to find where the noise had come from. Suddenly from a tree, a giant black crow swooped down towards you and Yarny.
Yarny started to run, dropping all doubt that you would stay put. The crow was too big for anyone of his size to handle. Especially not you!
You started to run as well, as fast as your legs could go. The bird came down to glide behind you, chasing you in a sweeping motion.
Then you felt your foot catch on a low-lying blade of grass, and you fell on your face.
The oncoming bird passed over the top of you and went after Yarny who was still running and jumping with expertise.
The crow was gaining on him. He was loosing speed.
You closed your eyes in sheer terror and felt the long string of wool around your wrist. You now realised that he had given it to you for a reason.
You stood up, sensing the crow was gone. No one was left in the grassy backyard.
No one except for you.

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