The Crow and the Trail

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[Yarny's POV]

I knew there was a chance I could get taken by that crow as soon as I saw it appear from behind the tree.
Just in case I did, I gave all the wool on my left arm to her so she could somehow rescue me. I wouldn't usually bring humans with me on retrievals, and it seemed like at first she was up to it, but now I wasn't sure.
She hadn't seen a memory yet, and I didn't know if she would freak out when she did. After all, she was by herself now.
Okay, back to the situation. I was hanging by one leg, upside down, with my foot in a crow's talon. Things weren't going as planned; I hoped there wouldn't be any animals here, but obviously I was wrong.
The crow squawked and swooped down. We were nearing the ground. I knew in an instant that I was done for if we reached land. The crow would tear me to pieces.
I tried throwing a lasso to shut the crow's beak, but soon remembered that I had given all my lasso wool to Y/N.
So, I reached up and wrestled with its foot until it let go and I could grab it with my hands. I swung around so I was now upright, hanging underneath the swooping bird. I glanced behind me for a second and saw my trail of wool. That was a problem. If it ran out and it was pulled on too hard I would be completely unravelled. And, given my luck, the crow was determined to keep flying.
I suddenly had an idea. If I climbed up on top of the crow I could use my trail of wool as reins to control it. Actually fly on top of a crow.
Here I go.
Fighting with the strength of the wind, and the struggling of the crow trying to grab me again, I managed to pull myself up on top, my arms outstretched and holding on to its feathers. I strained my arms to get myself up, my left arm weak and practically useless.
I gave one last pull with my arms and I was on top of the bird and I could see for what seemed like miles. Realising I wasn't done, and seeing the fast approaching ground where I knew I would be torn to pieces, I grabbed the trail of wool which was fairly loose and I pulled it up and around the crow's beak. Now, holding on to both ends of the red wool reins, I managed to steer the crow upwards.
My mind raced over what had just happened, trying to figure out if it was real. I would soon have to face my next problem; I now had no idea where I was. The crow had gone a fair way, and I wasn't paying attention because I was hung upside down from an airborne bird.
I also had no lasso wool. My trail had almost run out.
Wait! I could just follow the wool back while flying on the crow. I turned the crow around in a 'u' shape and searched for the trail of red yarn.
There it was. All I had to do now was avoid any other animals who might be looking for food. I was not edible, and I was bright red, which I thought might be a kind of warning colour, like on poisonous plants, but apparently no. Almost every animal was crazy enough to want to eat me, unless they were herbivores.
I was thinking about these things as I flew the crow in line with the trail, searching for where Y/N might have ended up. I had no idea if she'd stayed put or tried to follow me.
I was hoping for the best; I was hoping she was still there.
Even though I couldn't talk, I felt as though she understood me, as if she could tell what I wanted her to do without me using words. Are all humans like that? I would have no idea. She's the only one I've dared to meet, and I knew I had to. Her memories were ruined. Her book was defaced and she was more than upset. It was my job to get those memories back for her.
I was so engaged in following the wool, I didn't notice the wind getting stronger and colder. A storm was brewing and I didn't even know it.

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