Wait, She's Pretty?

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Hope you like! Fight, fight, fight!

             Chase's P.O.V.

I lifted Bree up by the top of her tee, whitch was easy, since she weighed about as much a feather. Like, seriously, did she ever eat? If she does as many after school sports, she's got to eat more. I guess you're wondering how I know that. We go to the same dojo, skate park, and sadly, we're on the same soccer team. You gotta admit it though, she's awesome at soccer. Anyway, back to the present. I threw a punch at her stomach. She tried to do an inside block, but two of my friends held her arms down. She winced in pain as my punch hit her. I let her go, and She dropped to the floor. I gave her a few kicks to the side. She ended up at the other side of the room after the fist kick, proving that she needed to eat more. Seriously? I've never said that she was fat. Sarah tells me everything that she does to Bree, and I trust her. Getting side tracked again. I walked over to Bree, grabbed her arm, and roughly pulled her up. "Time to see how ugly you really are." I moved my hand to her face, and she flinched, thinking that I would slap her, or something. I moved her hair out of her face and noticed two things. One, is that her brown eyes were filled with fear, and two, is that she was beautiful. That's right. Me, Chase Davenport calling Bree Dooley beautiful. Has the world gone mad? She looked up at me in fear. "Wow. She's smoking hot." One of my friends said. "Are you kidding me? Look at her, she's an ugly little rat." Bree looked totally pissed off. I was about to say something when the bell rang. "Shoot!" I said as I dropped her. "I gotta go, I'll be late class! See you guys later!" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran down the hallway. As I was running, I thought about how beautiful Bree was. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I already have a girlfriend. The only reason I'm dating Sarah,  is because she was soo annoying! We've never even kissed. The only person who knows why I started dating Sarah, is my best friend Adam. Like me, Adam has bionic powers. I can tell that Bree has them too, but she never uses them in public, unless she has to. I finally reached my classroom, and was relieved to find that the teacher wasn't even there yet. "Chasie! I saved you a seat!" Sarah called. I hate the nickname she gave me. I went over to her, and sat down, because, that was the only seat available. The teacher came really late. As he was giving his lecture about Greek mythology, I dozed off.

So, you like? (No comments if you hate) Peace, hope, and doughnuts! ;-)

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