Rush To The Hospital

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          Chase's P.O.V.

I had coculated how deep the sinkhole was. Five hundred freacking feet! I hope Skylar can get to Bree in time. If anything bad has happened to her, I wouldn't ever forgive myself.

            Skylar's P.O.V.

It took me ten minutes to get to the bottom of the hole. And I was flying as fast as I could. When I hit the bottom, I immediately started to look for Bree. I started to walk around. I accidentally kicked something while walking. I looked down and saw Bree. She had cuts all over her body, and face. Today had been a good day to wear jeans. I picked her up, and flew out of that place as fast as I could. When I finally got back up, I nearly knocked Leo off his feet, and into the sinkhole. Luckily, Chase got him away in time. "Leo, go find your Mom." Chase told him. Leo nodded, then ran off. I laid Bree on the ground, and Chase anxiously bent over her. "You like her, don't you?" I said. I could always tell when someone liked someone else. Like how Adam liked me. Man, he is so cute! Those dimples, and getting off track, aren't I? "Yeah," Chase mumbled. I looked at him, and realised that anyone could see that he loved Bree. "Then why were you always mean to her?!" I couldn't help myself from saying that. Chase looked at me with sad hazel eyes, then he spoke. "I don't know. Ever since she tried to be friends with me in pre school, I don't know, I have a lot going on. My dad's always busy, and my Mom died when I was ten." I looked at him as he picked up Bree's hand. "Bree's Dad died a day after Leo was born. She was five. We, well, she found Leo only two days ago. He went MIA, when he was six." Chase looked at me. "Why are you telling me this?" He asked. "Maybe because I can tell that you love her, and because you both have had had grief in your life."

            Chase's P.O.V.

I took in what Skylar told me. "I can't believe it. After all that I've done to her, she risked her life to save me." Skylar looked at me with sad eyes. "Maybe she liked you too." I nodded, showing a sign that I heard heard her. I looked at Bree's beautiful face, and regretted ever hurtting her. Secretly, I've always liked her. I just had a lot of pain inside. What I didn't tell Skylar, is that my Mom had actually left us when I was in pre school. My Dad had           re-married, but his wife died when I was ten. Hearing Bree's story of her life, then thinking about the story of my life, I realised that we both had a bad child Hood, but I made hers worse. I suddenly thought back to a few years ago.
  *Flashback to two years ago*
I had Bree cornered, and was calling her names. "Why don't you go cry to you daddy." I mocked her. "I don't have one." She said quietly.

         *End Of Flashback*

"She wasn't kidding." I murmered. "What?" Skylar asked. "Nothing." She was about to asked another question, but Bree's mom came running in, with Leo at her heels. "Oh my!" She said when she saw what happened. She quickly pulled her phone out, and called the hospital. "Hello? No time for stupid questions! Hello? They hung up!" I looked at her. "Can you get the car ready?" I asked. Ms. Dooley nodded, then ran off. I gently picked Bree up, and leaned her head an my chest. She seemed lighter than usual. I quickly ran out with Skylar, and Leo on my heels. Good thing that Ms. Dooley had a van. I laid Bree in the back seat, so that she was spread out. I stayed in the back with her, while Skylar had shot gut, and Leo sat the the row in front of me. I didn't have a seat belt, but it was okay since I was bionic. Ms. Dooley sped off. I just prayed that we weren't to late.

So, who cought the Story Of My Life part by One Direction? BTW, I am not a directioner! I just so happen to love their music, and Niall. So there.
Peace, hope, and sausage!

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