Fuck You Tahm Bout

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We made it to The Wave. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the pad lock that was holding the door shut. I opened the door and let Lauren walk in first. She cut the light on and looked around as I came in after her. "You really need to clean up around here." She said looking at me. I chuckled. "Why don't you clean it for me since your complaining?" I said sitting down in my old couch that used to be in my living room. She gave me the middle finger and sat down next to me. I looked her in the face, examining her. She's a really pretty girl. I wish she would stop fucking with Vic. All he's doing is fucking with her feelings. She cleared her throat. "Don't do that unless you wanna put it to use." I said, looking at her. I hate when people clear their throat. It's like their demanding something. "Fuck you." She said, bucking at me. "Don't start something you can't finish." I said, pushing her down. I got up from my seat and walked over to my stereo. "What do you want to hear?" I asked, picking up some CD's and turning to face her. She seemed to be zoned out. Just staring at the air. "LAUREN!" I yelled, scaring her. After hearing my echo I laughed really hard. "Ugh, you fucking suck." "Ugh, you fucking suck." I said mocking her voice, still laughing. She walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. "You think that was funny?" She said in a lustful tone, getting in my face. I stopped completely. She moved her face close to mines and placed her hand on my chest. Fuck, she's gonna get me hard. She slid her hand down my chest, past my stomach and to my pants. She unbuckled my belt and slid her hand in my pants and boxers. My dick started to rise and she grabbed a hold of it. Please don't let her give me a hand job. She looked me in the eyes again and pulled my dick hard with a strong grip. I let out a loud cry and she smirked. "Say you're sorry." She said in a cold voice. "Hell no." I said, still in pain. She pulled again with even more force and an even harder grip. "Okay,Okay. I'm sorry as fuck. Please let me go." She smirked harder and shook her head. "Say 'I'm a faggot'." She's really pushing it. "No, that's gay." I said, grunting in pain. "Well I guess you won't be let loose anytime soon." She looked at me again with a devilish smile. She then pulled with full force. A tear rolled down my eye. "FUCK, I'M A FAGGOT." She let go and I fell on my knees, holding myself. She sat on the couch, satisfied. She busted out laughing and I just sat there on the ground. "Imma get you back." I said looking at the ground. "Sure you will." She said as she continued to laugh. Whatever. Now I got to think of a way to get her back. I won't do it now though. I'll do it when she least expects me to. I decided to not make it look like I was planning something, and stand up. I walked a little funny, until I could feel myself again. "Like I was saying. What do you want to hear?" I said, trying to change the subject as soon as possible. Her laughing slowly got lighter and lighter until she calmed down and answered my question. "Nothing." She said plainly. I was a little confused, but I just let it go. I sat down next to her on the couch, and pulled out the tabs. I handed her the first and I took the last. We did them at the same time and she sat back. I reached over to the small table that sat in front of us and layed out the weed and rolling paper that was given to me. I rolled a blunt and looked over at Lauren. She seemed sober for the most part. "You want one?" I asked her, before I put all this stuff away. "Yes Please." She said all perky. Damn, that kicked in quick. I rolled her one and passed it to her. "You sure you just don't want to hit mines?" I asked, before she puts this good shit to waste. Whenever I give her one of her own, she always hit me with that 'it's too strong' or 'I don't want it anymore' bullshit. "Yes, I would like my own." She said standing up. "Okay." I answered, rolling her blunt. I hope she can hold it. I looked up and saw her making silly faces at the sky. "Here, come get it." She walked over to me and politely took it out of my hands. "Thank you my good boy." "Don't you mean man?" I said, poking out my chest. She giggled and answered me. "No, I meant boy." She said laughing at me. She put her blunt behind her ear and ran outside. I put my blunt behind my ear and ran after her. When I arrived outside, she was no where in sight. I stood there, spinning around in a full circle, searching my surroundings. I'm sure I looked dumb right now. "Here Lauren Lauren Lauren!" I cat called. I heard giggling above me. I looked up and found what I was looking for on top of The Wave. I laughed at her and walked over to the ladder that leaned on the back of it. I climbed the ladder and made my way to the top of the truck trailer. "How are you doing, ma'am?" I asked  her playfully and sat down next to her. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." She said, giggling. She must be high because she's really bubbley. When my acid kicks in, it's gonna be hard as fuck. I can tell because it hasn't kicked in yet. I took the blunt from behind my ear and lit it. "Light mine." She demanded. "Yes ma'am." I said, smiling. I can't wait for the unnecessary questions that she's going to ask during her acid trip. I lit her blunt and we smoked them. I don't know where  Oreo gets his shit from, but it must be imported or something. He always has the best grams and tabs. My acid is starting to kick in. I can tell because my eyes are starting to get low. I heard Lauren choke up and I laughed. "Just suck in and blow out." I said, reminding her how to smoke for the thousandth time in our lives. She hit me playfully and I laughed even harder. "Goofy" I called her, as I took in some smoke. I let in hold in my mouth for a while, and blew it out slowly. She watched me blow out and tried again. She sucked in the perfect amount, and blew out. "I did it!" She said in excitement. I chuckled and decided to fuck with her  emotions. "So did you like seeing Oreo today?" I asked, side eyeing her. She gave me a blank expression and answered my question. "Not at all." She said, rolling her eyes. "Why not? He really likes you." "Chancelor, make me kill you." She said in a serious tone. I could tell she was upset because she called me by my real name. But I don't care. I'm not done aggravating her. "It's cool. But before you kill me I have to tell you something." "What?" She said, sounding interested. "I told Oreo your in love with him." I said, looking down. "You're lying." She said quickly. "I swear. I can show you the text messages." I said, reaching into my pocket. She got up from where she was sitting and left the top of the trailer. I laughed really hard. A tear came down my eye as I stood up and went down the ladder. I don't think that she's really mad at me. I guess this can be my revenge on her. I walked in The Wave and saw that she was sitting on the couch. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at her. She rested head on the chair arm and took a long sigh. Cold shoulder, huh? Okay, I'm fine with that. I looked over at her and saw that she was asleep with her mouth slightly open. She can't be sleeping already. I layed on the chair arm on my side and looked at her one more time. She was sitting up, watching me. "Is it true?" She asked, looking me in the eyes. "Is what true?" "What you said about Oreo. Did you really?" She asked again. I looked at her and took a long breath. "Do you honestly think I would do something like that to you? I hardly like the relationship you're in now. Why in the hell would I throw you in a love triangle, knowing the type of person you are?" I said as I grabbed her hand. She layed down on my chest and  I put my feet up on the couch. She sighed and began to speak. "I don't know. You just seemed so serious." She said, not moving. It was silent for a while. She decided to speak again. "Chance?" "Yes?" I answered. "How are Brooklyn and Victor so close. I know we're all childhood friends and all but, when she's around, Vic acts different. Why is that?" Wow. This was not a unnecessary question that I was looking forward to. I hate to lie to her but I have to if I want her in the end. "I don't know. Relationships are weird. That's why I don't have one." I said, not expecting her to say anything else. "But you had one. Zoey was a nice girl." I knew she was going to bring Zo up. I'm not going to say anything. I feel really bad for hurting her the way I did. Zo found out that I was in love with Lauren and she tried her hardest to take her place. It wasn't working out too well, so she cut her wrists and cheated on me with her best friend, Rayna. Yeah, she's a lesbian now. Zoey and Rayna ran away together and no one knows where they are. Word on the street is they're in Atlanta, stripping for money. Zo used to smoke too, but just a little too much. Turns out, she was addicted. I didn't know what to do after she left me. I was too busy worrying about her. I looked at Lauren with a sad face and closed my eyes. I haven't thought about Zo in a whole year. This was a huge setback for me. "Chance, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She stopped all of a sudden and buried her face in my chest, crying. Why is she crying. I put my hand on her back, comforting her. "It's okay. I'm not sad or angry. I just haven't thought of Zoey in a while. That's all." I said, trying to calm her down. "Please don't cry." "I just feel like I always mess something up for someone. Just like how I'm dating Vic. I know you love me and I know he can't be tied up for too long because he's capable of doing the unthinkable. I'm so sorry Chancelor. I just was thinking about myself when I agreed to date Vic. I didn't mean to shoot you down like that." She said, breaking down. Damn, we must really be fucked up right now. "Lauren, you could never shoot me down. I'm waiting on you because I love you and I want you to go through the twists and turns of life. Steeling you from Vic would be no fun at all. Besides, we already agreed to date other people. And to top it all off, I'm not ready for you just yet. I'm still a boy. I want to have you when I'm mature enough to handle a relationship." I'm wondering if what I'm saying is true, or if I'm just talking out of my ass. Yeah, I'm definitely talking out of my ass. Boy or man, I want Lauren whenever I can get her.

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