Long Time

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It's really getting late. I want to take Lauren home, but she's fucked up. And I don't want Auntie Linda to trip. "You tired?" I asked, looking at her. "Yes, yes I am." "I don't want to take you home. Your momma will kill me. You want to sleep in The Pyrex?" That was a pushy question, but Oreo has a bed in his trailer. "No." She said blankly. "But Lauren-" "No buts, I'm not sleeping in Oreo's place. He creeps me out." "But you know he's gone. We don't have to stay all night. Just until we're okay to go home." She looked at me as if she was thinking. "Fine. Promise you'll be my bodyguard." "Um, no. I don't work for you. You work for me." I said, sitting up. "I don't work for you nigga. Say you'll be my bodyguard or I'll go home like this and say you forced me to smoke." I know she's bluffing, but whatever. "Okay, Princess. Your wish is my command. Now get off of me." She rolled off of me and fell on the floor. I guess I should've caught her huh? "Ouch" She groaned as she stood up and rocked side to side like she has just came back from a sea cruise. "Stop moving." "And if I don't?" She said with attitude.  "Oh, Mr.Oreo." I said loudly, but not quite yelling. "Haha you make me laugh." She said fake laughing and rolling her eyes. She left The Wave and I followed behind her. She turned around and looked me up and down. "Is there a problem, Ms.Williams?" I said in a British accent. "Why of course not, Mr.Bennett." She said, mimicking me. I bowed and she curtsied. "Shall we?" I asked, cuffing my arm. "We shall." She answered linking my arm. We skipped to The Pyrex. I knocked on the door and Oreo quickly answered. Shit, he's usually gone at this time. "What nigga?" He asked, looking at Lauren. She tensed up and stood behind me. "What's wrong ma? I won't bite, unless you want me to." He said, pulling her from behind me. I removed his hand from her arm and gave him a look. "Let's not do this." I said sternly. "Man, chill. All I want to do is talk to shawty." "I know, but that's not why we're here. We're here because we want to crash until we blow off." I said, looking at him. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking at her. I turned around and looked at Lauren. She was looking down at the ground, playing with her fingers. I turned back around and he was looking at me. "Yeah, y'all can crash. I'm staying for the night so we can have a little fun. Right Lauren?" She looked up confused. "Huh?" She said, clueless. He chuckled and let us in. I let Lauren walk in before me. She sat on the couch and I sat next to her. "Man, what were you doing in here?" I asked him. "Nothing, just playing the game." He said, sitting on the other side of Lauren. He put his arm around her and she lifted her shoulders. "Relax baby. I ain't gonna hurt you." He said. "So how come you never talk around me?" He asked. "I don't know." She said blankly and stood up. "What am I going to sleep in?" She asked, looking at me. "I have some clothes you can wear." Oreo said, standing up and circling her. "Yeah, they should fit just right." He said in a seductive manner. She sat back down and he went to get some clothes. "Chance." She whispered. "Yes?" "Are you enjoying this?" She asked annoyed. "Yes and no. It's funny and making me mad." I answered. She layed her head on my chest and Oreo came back with some sweats and a T-Shirt. "You can change in the restroom." He said, pointing to the restroom. "Thank you." "You're oh so welcome." Lauren went to the restroom and from the corner of my eye, I could see Oreo watching her. "Yo, why don't you get with that?" He asked, not taking his eyes off her. I turned his way and watched him dog over her. "Because I have respect for her." "Man, if you don't take her, I will." He said licking his lips and looking towards me. "She has a boyfriend." I said blankly looking away. "So. That nigga ain't here. I can't believe he trust his girl to run off with a nigga like you. Do he know what you do to make money?" "Yeah he knows, but he's my best friend. He knows I wouldn't try anything thing like that on her. We've all known each other for too long to do something that will break our friendship. Lauren is my best friend too. If I know her as well as I think I do, then I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. She's just not that type of girl." I said looking at the wall in front of me. "Damn nigga, I ain't ask for a story." He said in a high voice. I just shook my head and looked back because I heard the restroom door opening. Lauren came out in the clothes that Oreo gave her. She looked uncomfortable. "Are you okay?" I asked her as she made her way to where Oreo and I were sitting. She nodded her head and took a seat next to me. "I told you they would fit." Oreo stated with a grin. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "So, what do you guys want to do?" He said in a awkward tone. "I have movies that we can watch. Like Titanic, and King Kong." "I'm kinda sleepy. Where can I sleep?" She asked, looking at Oreo. "If you make a right by the game stand, there's a air mattress. You both can sleep on that. Unless you want to sleep in the bed with me." He said,winking at her. She didn't say anything. She just simply turned around and looked for the air mattress. When she found it, she fell on it face forward like someone pushed her down. I decided to join her so she wouldn't have anything to worry about. "I'm going to change. I'll be there in a little while Lauren." I assured her. I went to where Oreo keeps his clothes and grabbed a pair a sweats. I don't need a shirt. I put the pants on and hurried back to Lauren. When I arrived to the air mattress, Oreo was laying beside her, whispering things in her ear. "Yo man. Back the fuck up." I said as I kicked him off the air mattress. He stood up and started laughing. I ignored him and layed next to Lauren. "You okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said hugging me from the side a laying her head on my chest. "I just want to go to sleep." She spoke in a sleepy voice. I grabbed the blanket that layed beside us and covered us up. I kissed her on the forehead and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and she was still on my chest, asleep. I slid from under her and got up. I walked around a bit and noticed that Oreo was gone. I gathered all of our things and put them in my car. When I came back, Lauren was sitting on the couch, watching T.V. "Come on, I need to get you home." I said. She stood up and left out the door. I followed behind her. The ride home was silent, which was kind of weird. When I pulled up to her house, I cut the car off. "Want me to walk you in?" I asked. "No, I got it." She said, looking at the front door. "I'm coming anyways." I said, getting out the car. She got out after me and we walked to the front door together. She knew the door was open so she just walked in. I never understood why they left the door unlocked. Maybe I'll ask her one day. "Ma, I'm home." She said as she walked up the stairs. I heard movement in the kitchen, so I went to see who it was. It was Auntie Linda. "Hey Auntie Linda." I spoke. "Hey Chance. Was Lauren with you yesterday?" She asked as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Yes ma'am. We went bowling with some friends." I lied. "Oh, that's nice. Where is Lauren?" she asked, concerned. "Auntie, that's why I'm here. I came to tell you that Lauren is in the hospital. She swung the ball back too hard and it hit her in the head." I joked with ease. She looked at me shocked. And then she hit me in the chest. "Boy shut up. I heard her when she came in." She said and laughed at me. I laughed with her. "Hey, it was worth a shot." I said, still laughing. When the laughter died down, Lauren came into the kitchen in her own clothes. "Hey momma." She said as she kissed her mom on the cheek. "Hey baby. Why didn't you pick up the phone last night? I was calling you." Auntie asked. " I left it here yesterday. I'm sorry." She said. "Yeah, whatever. I knew you were with Chancelor. I wasn't worried. I'm about to go to the store. Chano, tell your momma to call me." "Yes ma'am." I said. When she left, I was leaving too. "Wait, where are you going?" Lauren asked. "Home." I said still walking to the door. Wait, I want to come. Let me take a shower first." I turned around and sat on the couch. She ran upstairs and I flipped through the channels. Nothing good was on so I was watching Maury. Just as he was saying the test results, Lauren came back down and jumped in front of the T.V. "Move, he finna say the results." I said kicking her out of the way. She fell on the floor and started crawling. I don't care. Just as Maury said 'You are-' Lauren unplugged the T.V. "Not finishing this episode today."  She said in a Maury voice, finishing his sentence. I gave her a 'you better run' look and she sped out the door. That girl is going to get it.

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