Prologue - Chapter 1

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Maybe if I did something right in the past, I wouldn't be like this now. This is a phrase many people used right?

2 years ago, 12th of march. A day before the incident,

" If life was a game, won't it be fun? "

Those words are still resonating in my head.

Things happen for a reason right? Haha, as your average high school teenager. I didn't have to worry about things such as: " When must I pay the bills or is my boss going to scold me today? " That's the perk of being a student, but being a student doesn't mean you would be free of such things. As at each stage, you would have certain things to worry about. Such as being a teenager you would have to battle between spending time on school works and scoring well in exams. And if you didn't score what your parents had expected, U would be in big trouble.

Although I wasn't close to my parents, they would tend to leave me alone during the rough times and would not stress or pressure me that much. And as all parents, all they Wan is the best for their child as they have seen the world for what it truly is. But I wasn't appreciative of what I had last time and would take things for granted. Maybe a little too much ...

But what I didn't know is that after the day of tomorrow, things wouldn't be the same. As it would change and maybe it DID change a little too much ...

~ Next chapter: The Incident ~

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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