From the Start (Best friend Wheesa)

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"Wheein­-ah, let's go back to Jeonju today!" the younger girl said to her best friend of 10 years and counting. "Uh? All of a sudden?" was her reply, along with a set of eyes staring at her, as big as rabbits. "Yeah! We haven't been there in so long and I miss ittttttttttt," the younger girl whined. "Okay, okay, let's go. Pack your bags Hwasa." The shorter girl said, standing up and heading to their room.
2 hours later,
"Wah!!!! We are finally in the train! Urgh, that man was so irritating, holding up the queue with all of his unnecessary questions," Hwasa grumbled, plopping into her assigned seat. The slightly older girl laughed at her, before saying, "This was all your idea you know, and you being oh so smart decided to go back right before Chuseok." Hwasa chucked a neck pillow at her, something they always have when they take the long 1 and a half hour train ride back to their hometown, before the two of them burst into laughter together. They were always like that, since middle school, laughing at the simplest things, as long as they were together. They were like 2 peas in a pod, always together, and always laughing, hardly serious. Sometimes, in the dead of night, they would sneak into each other's bed and spend hours just talking, not caring if they had a schedule early in the morning the next day. They would wake up, and realise that though they were late, they had spent the night cuddling, cherishing every moment together. Just like how the sun was to the moon, they were exactly the same thing, just as dependent on each other, but shining just as brightly when apart, though they hardly were.
"Kya! Jeonju smell!" Hwasa shouted, stretching her whole body while walking out of the train. The normally hyper puppy was strangely quiet today, Hwasa had tried to hold the older girl's hand before they fell asleep, like they normally do, but the girl had moved her hand closer to her body, avoiding Hwasa, and it didn't go by the younger girl, "Right Wheein­-ie?" The puppy merely nodded her head, and with a small laugh, picked up both girls' bags and started walking towards the taxi stand. "Wheein­-ah! Wait up!" Hwasa shouted, rushing to catch up with her, puzzled at her friend's behaviour.
"Wheein-­ah... Did I do something wrong? You seem a little quiet today." The younger girl asked softly. They were at Wheein's house, after being welcomed by her mother. Having grown up together, their mother was used to seeing Hwasa come over. And Hwasa knew she needed to talk to Wheein so here they were, in her room. Wheein turned over to look at her friend, eyes softening when she saw the hurt, worry and sad expressions in the younger's face. She saw tears welling up in her eyes, and gently wiped them with her thumb as they rolled down her face. "You stupid fool, you made her cry again!" Wheein shouted to herself mentally, giving herself a slap at the same time. "Please don't cry Hwasa­yah, I'm sorry. You did not do anything wrong. It's just that..." she hesitated. Hwasa looked up, knowing that something was bothering her friend, but not wanting to push her too. "It's okay, don't force yourself to say it," Hwasa said, knowing how hard it was for her friend. This made Wheein burst into tears, wondering how she didn't deserve such a good friend, when she herself was a sucky one. Her best friend instantly went to hug her, protect her, surprised by her sudden outburst. Wheein thought back to all of the precious memories she had with the girl she was lucky enough to call best friend, out of the millions and billions of people in this world. Hwasa had always been there for her since the beginning, when she reached her first crisis in middle school.
She was on the school roof, tears threatening to burst out of her eyes, her personal wall breaking down bit by bit, ever so slowly. She knew that if she starts to cry, she would not stop, and she could not afford for that to happen. What if someone catches her, the number 1 student in school, only child of the school principal, head president of the student council and most importantly, most popular kid in school. She knew that it would not happen, this was her own special space, no one comes here except for the janitor, who doesn't come during lunch, but she still could not risk it. Letting herself cry was not simply an action, it would be a mistake, as serious as breaking the law by murder, according to Wheein herself. It would mean that the wall she built up over the course of 6 years would be broken down with one tear. It would mean that her self­control was weak, that she had no control over her life. No one would know, yes, but she did, and that was the worst part. In this school, Wheein's biggest enemy was not the girls who bullied her because they thought that she did not deserve to be popular, or the annoying guys who tried to get her number every single day without fail. It was herself. She would do anything to be that perfect girl everyone thinks she is, or her mum wants her to be, but, to her, she is always short of something. She would cry over the loss of 1 or 2 marks on her examination papers, beat herself up over every second she wasted, tying her shoelace, drinking water, when she went on her daily runs. It was now normal, normal for her to do that. There was also something else that she lacked, friends. She is the popular girl in school, but most people were only befriending her because of everything people said about her, not who she really was, and of course, she was too kind to turn any of them away. She was now on the roof, after being in the principal's office, where her mum scolded her for making a careless mistake on her mathematics paper which cause for 1 mark to be deducted. This roof top was her only safe haven, away from her life, away from everything. A few traitor tears ran down her cheeks, and soon the waterworks started. She thought back about how messed up her life was, how unhappy she was, and most importantly, how no one was beside her now. She felt lonely, a small 1.59 girl against the huge world, and how she did not want to live. Her mind was now wandering to ways of ending this misery when she suddenly felt someone from behind tapping on her shoulder. She jumped up and gasped, tears stopping from the shock, before she hastily wiped away the water marks on her face. "Please don't tell anyone, PLEASE," she begged the stranger once she turned. "I really..." The small girl trailed off when she took in the appearance of the girl standing in front of her. That girl had short hair, and a little moe on her left cheek. Focusing on the moe, she didn't realise that the girl had started speaking. "Wheein? Wheein-ssi?" She heard her name being called before she snapped out of her trance. There was something about this girl, something good. She didn't know what it was but she wanted to find out. "Wheein-ssi? Are you okay? I heard someone crying out here so I came to see who it was. Sorry for disturbing you," that mysterious girl said. Wheein couldn't help wondering how she thought that interrupting someone crying was something to apologise for. If anything, this girl might have saved her life. "Don't be, um.." Glancing over at the girl's name tag, "Hyejin-ssi. Thank you for stopping me." Hyejin's head leaned on one side, confusion evident on her face.
"Stop her? From crying? This girl is adorable!" Hyejin thought to herself. She had really come up here because of someone crying. A small smile graced Wheein's (Hyejin had seen her name tag just now) lips, and a dimple appeared on her right cheek. "It's nothing," The adorable girl said. "Do you want to talk about anything?" Hyejin said softly, somehow knowing that Wheein needed a listening ear. Her crying here alone said a lot. They sat down right there and then, on the floor, where Wheein was sure her mum would kill her later. Wheein told Hyejin everything, as something was telling her to trust the girl. She told her of everything in her life, the way she felt and since then, they have been together, through ups and downs.

Back to the present,
"You know how this is going to be our very first studio album right? We have so many nice songs, funny stories to tell all of the Moomoos but what if... What if.. They don't like it? We are very happy with it, it is totally our style, I mean Byulie unnie wrote the lyrics of 8 songs! But... What if.. We don't have fans after this? What if... We have to give up this job? I know Appa said to not worry, but... And you know that I haven't been in my top condition these past few days, what if my singing turns out weird?! Being home is nice, but I can't help but think of the amount of work waiting for us back in Seoul, not to mention the amount of pressure on us because of this album..." She rambled on and on about the what ifs before Hwasa grabbed her shoulder and gave her a shake. "Jung Wheein. Listen to me. Stop thinking about those things. Not now. We are back in Jeonju. Our hometown. We are not in Seoul. Not the recording studio. Now, we are going to go around Jeonju eating what ever we want, and going to our favourite karaoke to sing random songs. And while doing all of that, you will be PupWhee and I would be Fatal Ahn. Then when we go back to Seoul we will record the best album and get our very first music broadcast win for this song. Ok Jung Wheein?" Hwasa spoke in a harsh manner. Wheein's eyes started to water again, not because of how fierce her friend was but because she knew that Hwasa cared for her. Looking at her best friend through her tear-filled eyes, she gave a determined nod, throwing all of the what-ifs out of of her mind. Her friend wiped her tears away, and helped her to stand up. "NOW LET'S GO AND HAVE FUN!" Hwasa shouted, probably scaring everyone in the house. Wheein laughed at her friend's antics before pulling her out of her room and out of the house.

Author's note:
Third one! Hope you enjoyed it! Hehe the first Wheesa one-shot that I'm posting~

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